  • 學位論文


Relations of Land Registration Damage Compensation and State Compensation Law

指導教授 : 林明昕


我國土地法第68條第1項之規定:「因登記錯誤遺漏或虛偽致受損害者由該地政機關負損害賠償責任。但該地政機關證明其原因應歸責於受害人時,不在此限。」此為我國土地登記損害賠償制度之依據。然其性質上亦屬國家賠償制度之一環,而依國家賠償法第6條所定之法律適用順序,土地法第68條即屬國家賠償法之特別法,應優先適用。據此,凡因有關土地登記有關事項,而致人民受有損害時,均應依循土地登記損害賠償制度相關規範,向國家請求損害賠償。而在這樣的制度現況下,於具體個案之適用,原則上應優先適用特別法即土地法,而土地法未規定之部分,則回歸適用國家賠償法。惟此種交錯適用之結果,實務上產生了諸多爭議,例如在實務判決上,曾產生人民不知究竟要以國家賠償法或是土地法為請求權基礎之問題,實務判決亦有見解不一之情形。而檢視過去曾探討土地登記損害賠償制度之文獻,多將重點放在土地法關於地政機關土地登記損害賠償責任之規定乃解為國家賠償法之特別規定,而似無進一步地討論這樣的特別法適用關係是否合宜。相反地,其多在比較兩者之間之構成要件或法律效果有何異同,或處理兩者之競合問題。相反地,在實務上法院對於原告以不同請求權基礎請求損害賠償,或是同時主張土地法與國家賠償法時將如何處理等問題似沒有較深入的探討。 本文將先論述我國土地登記制度及土地登記損害賠償制度之由來,及分析我國目前土地登記損害賠償在適用上產生何種爭議,以及其與國家賠償法間之交錯適用,特別是在司法實務上呈現什麼樣的交錯適用,發現法院在兩者之適用上常出現見解不一致之情形。本文認為,不應讓人民因法律規範缺漏而產生訴訟上之不利益,而這樣的情形追根究柢,是與我國土地登記審查制度之定位不明確,以及土地法對損害賠償之規範相當不足有關。因此本文認為,基於土地登記損害賠償事件涉及金額相當龐大,涉及人民財產權益重大,故仍應有一套特別規範來處理,但前提是先需確立我國土地登記審查制度,並建立完整的損害賠償規範,並且均須以法律明定以符合法律保留原則,以保障人民財產權。


Article 68, Paragraph 1 of the Land Law: “A person who suffers from omissions or falsehood due to registration errors shall be liable for damages by the land authority. However, if the land authority proves that the cause is attributable to the victim, this shall not be the case. This is the basis for land registration damage compensation system. However, the nature of the law is also part of the national compensation system. According to the order of application of the law in Article 6 of the State Compensation Law, Article 68 of the Land Law is a special law of the State Compensation Law and should be given priority. Accordingly, when people suffer damage due to related matters relating to land registration, they should follow the relevant regulations of the compensation system for land registration damages and request damage compensation from the State. In the current situation of such a system, the application of specific cases should, in principle, give priority to the application of the special law, that is, the land law. Whereas the part of the law that is not regulated by the land law falls back on the application of the State Compensation Law. However, as a result of this staggered application, many disputes have arisen in practice. For example, in practical judgments, problems have arisen that people do not know whether they need to rely on national compensation law or land law as the basis of their claims. There are also different opinions on practical judgments. situation. Reviewing the literature on land compensation damage compensation systems in the past, most of them focus on the provisions of the Land Law concerning the liability of land administration authorities for land registration damages, which is a special provision of the State Compensation Law and does not seem to discuss such special issues further. Whether or not the application of the law is appropriate, and how much is the difference between the constituent elements or the legal effects between the two, or to deal with the competing issues of the two. On the contrary, in practice, the court did not seem to have a more in-depth discussion on the plaintiff's claim for damages based on different claims, or how to deal with the land law and the state compensation law. This article will first discuss the origin of land registration system and land registration damage compensation system, and analyze what kind of controversies land registration damage compensation will apply, as well as the interplay between it and the state compensation law, especially in judicial practice. What kind of interaction is presented and it is found that the court often finds inconsistencies in the application of the two. This article argues that the people should not be caused by the lack of legal norms and have no interest in litigation, and this situation is followed up with The position of the land registration examination system is not clear, and the land law is quite inadequate in respect of damages. Therefore, this article believes that the amount of damages based on land registration damages is huge and involves a significant amount of people’s property rights and interests. Therefore, there should still be a set of special norms to deal with, but the premise is that we must first establish a land registration review system and establish a complete damage compensation standard. , and must be determined by law to comply with the principle of legal reservations in order to protect people's property rights.


1. 史尚寬(1964),《土地法原論》,正中書局。
2. 李鴻毅(1992),《土地法論》,台北:自版。
3. 高延利、樊志全、朱留華(2007),《澳大利亞土地登記》,北京:中國大地出版社。
4. 陳立夫(2017),《土地法釋義(一)》,台北:元照。
