  • 學位論文


“Taiwan Issue” in the change of Japan's Post-Cold War Security Alliance

指導教授 : 陳明通


冷戰結束帶來國際情勢巨大變更,然而在亞洲最大的改變則是中國的崛起。面對中國快速的經濟成長及軍事力增強的威脅,在亞太地區擁有眾多利益關係的美國,開始逐步將其戰略重心轉向亞太地區,並加強與日本的防衛合作關係。日美安保條約最初是美國在冷戰時期為了對抗蘇聯而採取的一項同盟行動,但隨著冷戰後國際與亞太情勢的改變而必須加以重新界定。   就地緣戰略而言,台灣的地理位置正好處於西太平洋第一島鏈的中央地帶,這敘述點出台灣具有的地緣戰略位置的重要性;因此任何區域內國家若能掌握或影響台灣,便能有效主導此區域的交通線,對其國家利益有重大影響關係。反之,若中國能夠掌握此一樞紐,對其進出太平洋,突破第一島鏈的封鎖就是重要關鍵點。因此,冷戰結束後日本與台海兩岸的互動便成為本研究所關注的議題。希望藉由探討冷戰後日本安保體制的變遷與小泉首相對台灣相關議題的態度,進而提供台日關係未來發展方向。   研究結論如下所述:首先,台灣議題與日美安保體制實已密不可分,以此「確保國家安全與拓展國際生存空間」的雙方利益的互相需要。可看出日本政府採「重視中國,但不忽視台灣」務實政策。縱然日本外交自主性增加,但日本基於國家利益的考量,對於來自中國的壓力依然造成日本對台灣的不友善。因此,台灣對日本的關係必須「正常化」,強調策略、經貿的地緣政治關係,以對等關係與日本建立合作體制。不僅如此,若日本在台海問題能扮演更為積極的角色,使權力平衡態勢呈現,如此東亞的和平安全也能較有保障。


The End of the Cold War brings about tremendous changes of the international situation, however, the biggest change in Asia is the rise of China. Facing the China's rapid economic growth and increasing military threat, the United States, which has large interests in Asia-Pacific region, begins to gradually shift its strategic focus to this region and strengthen cooperation with Japan's defense relations. Japan-US Security Treaty was first an alliance built by the United States in order to confront the Soviet Union during the Cold War era; but it is necessary to be redefined while the post-Cold War international situation in the Asia-Pacific region has changed.  As to geopolitics strategy, Taiwan locates in the central area of the First Island Chain in western Pacific Ocean, and this description points out the importance of Taiwan's geo-strategic position; So if any country controls or influences Taiwan, it will be able to effectively dominate over the traffic line in this region, and will have a major impact on their national interests. Conversely, if China is able to control this Choke point, its access to the Pacific Ocean, this place will be the crucial point to break the blockade of the First Island Chain. Therefore, the interaction between Japan and Taiwan Strait after the end of the Cold War now is the concerned subject of this study. With the hope of discussion about the changes of Japan's post-Cold War security system and the attitude of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on topics related to Taiwan, This study provides a future development direction of Taiwan-Japan Relation.  The conclusion of the study is as follows: Firstly, the Taiwan issue and the Japan-US Security Alliance are in fact inseparable, and this leads both sides need each other while considering the interests of “ensure the national security and broaden the international living space”. It is apparent that the Japanese government adopts the pragmatic policy of "Do attach importance to China, but do not ignore Taiwan". Although Japan's diplomatic autonomy is increasing, the pressure from China is still causing Japan's unfriendly attitude to Taiwan while considering Japan’s national benefit. Therefore, the relation towards Japan must be "normalized", emphasize strategic, economic, and trading geo-political relations, and establish cooperation system with Japan based on equal relationship. Moreover, if Japan in the Taiwan Strait issue can play a more active role to let the balance of power appear, the East Asian peace and security can be more secure.


