  • 學位論文


Elastic Management of Computing and Storage Resources for Mobile Cloud Applications

指導教授 : 洪士灝


行動雲端運算已成為近年來非常熱門的議題,它結合了行動運算以及雲 端運算的優點。然而,行動雲端運算的系統和應用程序比傳統的客戶服務 模型的環境中更加的複雜,如行動網路不穩定的頻寬大大影響用戶的感受 以及分散式數據存儲的地理位置可能導致嚴重的安全和隱私問題。 因此,在本篇論文中,我們提出了一個架構,能夠在異質的環境與不同 類型的移動設備中根據用戶的喜好例如性能或成本,來動態地引導行動雲 端應用程式,找到最好的服務,並提供使用者存取及控制雲端儲存系統的 機制。在我們的研究案例中,驗證了我們能夠在異質環境中迅速和準確的 找到良好的計算資源以及存取雲端儲存系統。


Mobile cloud computing has become a very popular topic in recent years. It combines the advantages of mobile computing and cloud computing. However, mobile cloud systems and applications are more complex than traditional client-server environments , such as unstable mobile networks effect users’ experiences and distribution of computation as well as data storage geographically can lead to serious security and privacy concerns. Thus, in this thesis, we present a framework based on user’s options, performance or cost, to guide the mobile cloud applications to find the best service dynamically and provide cloud storage access control policy for user in a heterogeneous environment with different types of mobile devices and cloud servers.In our case study, we show our framework to find good service rapidly and accurately; to access cloud storage with computing resource in a heterogeneous environment.


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Available: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1966445.1966473
