  • 學位論文


Studies on the Characteristics of Lu You's Classical Essays and their Relationship with Ou-Su Guwen

指導教授 : 何寄澎
共同指導教授 : 魏岫明


本文探討陸游古文特質,及其與歐蘇古文的關係。陸游身為南宋中興大家,不僅於詩詞有極高的成就,其古文則猶承北宋典型,而有自成一家之風貌。南渡時局、歐蘇文的風行、家學淵源與生平交游俱為影響其古文特質形成的重要因素。而自其古文作品,實可再發掘出較有別於他家之特質所在:相對於宋人普遍好論,其文展現較擅於記人寫景的特質,前者表現於敘人手法之多樣以及對各色人物神韻之掌握;後者則多於記體中呈現其摹景狀物之功力。其二則為多抒情感慨的內涵,家國之慨、故舊之思、衰老之嗟、感物之情總為其筆下不斷浮現的主題,顯示其重視情感抒發的性格。其三則是在理學思潮之籠罩下,仍富有對文人趣味之講求,由其浸淫詩詞書畫之相關描寫,可一窺其生活中耽於逸趣之一面。其四則為務實思想之體現,其雖對佛、道思想有所兼容,然仍以儒家為本,且於三家各取擇其關乎世用、曉諭士人及應物處世之層面,可見其重實際之精神。至其古文之整體風格,則如同其詩,有豪壯與閒淡之兩面,隨著年歲增長,平淡之風固愈為明顯,偶仍有慷慨激昂之調的出現。 以歐、蘇文為代表探究陸文與北宋古文的聯繫,可發現陸對歐蘇確是多有所承,然所學面向各有不同。陸學歐文,主要在於文章寫法及風格內涵。如人物書寫方面,於序跋、記等體皆效其以傳人為主之範式,另因史學涵養俱深而同承史遷記大節、敘反差等記人手法,對豪傑之士的共同推崇則為時代背景中的理想投射,並反映二人性格中之部分面向。關於抒情感慨格調,陸、歐之相似,一為對故交舊友之時時追念,展現二人樂好交游、篤於交誼之面向;對衰老之時時嗟嘆,又表現二人因抱負遠大,面對理想難成之現實,對時間流逝自特為敏感。陸游另於特定篇章對歐有顯著效法,如於記體仿其篇章布局、譬喻手法而有相似之議論感發;花木譜記之寫作,則在理趣與追憶之對比中,特顯二人寫作之異趣。至於陸對蘇文,則主要是寫作精神及人格涵養方面之學習。陸游為文重氣之論乃延伸蘇軾主氣之說,有其欲改善文運士風的用心;文中諸多諧趣幽默篇章的展現,亦學其居窮處困猶能詼諧、豁達以對的精神。短篇體裁之書寫實有得於蘇軾對相關體式之開拓,不僅題材類型之拓展、文學性之發揮頗承其啟發,且各有相異風格、特色之展現。二人因相似之背景因素而皆深受佛道思想濡染,對於方外之士的描摹及彼此情誼之著寫是為二人之同;相對於蘇軾時有對佛道哲理之探究、思辯,陸游則多表露其身為儒者之關懷,或直述其受佛道思想的影響,此為二人之異。由上觀之,陸文對於歐蘇文確有所承繼效法,一方面體現歐蘇古文典範對後世之深遠影響;另一方面,陸游對歐蘇之學習,則經其融會轉化,而於文中自然呈現豐富的面貌、成其自身之風格特質。


陸游 古文 南宋 北宋 歐蘇文 典型


This paper aims to study the characteristics of Lu You's classical essays, and their relationship with Ou-Su guwen. Being a literary master in the Zhongxing period of the Southern Song Dynasty, Lu You doesn't only obtain great achievements in poetry and ci, but also inherits the fine traditions from classical essays in the Northern Song Dynasty, having his own guwen style. The situation after the southward retreat, the prevalence of Ou-Su wen, Lu's family background, social relationships and life experiences are all the important factors affecting the formation of his guwen characteristics. From his works, we can further discover the characteristics distinct from other writers'. First, contrary to most Song Dynasty essayists' interests in arguments, Lu You is better at narrating characters and landscapes. The former is performed through various narrating techniques and lifelike depictions of characters of all kinds, while the latter is represented through the vivid description of scenery. Second, his essays have a tendency to express emotions, including his patriotism, remembrance of old acquaintances, sigh for aging, and feelings towards objects, which are the motifs continually appearing in his works and reveal his sentimental character. Third, though shrouded in the trend of Neo-Confucianism, Lu's classical essays are still rich in literati's interests. Through the description about his indulgence in poetry, ci, calligraphy, and painting, we can get to know another aspect of his life. Fourth, his essays reflect his pragmatic thoughts. Despite the fact that Lu You's thoughts are compatible with Buddhism and Taoism, he still stands firm on the ground of being a Confucian intellectual. Furthermore, in his discourse about the three schools of thoughts, he selects the aspects with practical utility, instructive meaning, and ways of dealing with people. Finally, as for the styles of the whole classical essays, like his poetry, could be roughly divided into two styles of haozhuang and xiandan. With increasing age, the pingdan style becomes more and more apparent. However, the impassioned tune still occasionally appear in his works. Investigating the relationship between Lu You and Ou-Su's Guwen, which represents that of the Northern Song, we can find out that Lu indeed inherits different aspects from Ouyang Xiu and Su Shi. What Lu learns from Ou are mainly writing methods, content and style. For character description, Lu follows Ou's examples of highlighting persons in genres like xu (preface), ba (postscript), and ji. Because of their profound historical erudition, both of them inherit Shi Qian's narrative techniques, such as recording the major deeds, describing the contrast in a character, and so on. Their common admiration for heroes or courageous people project their ideals at that time and reflect part of their character. For the lyrical style, Lu and Ou are similar in their frequent remembrance of old friends, showing their cherishment of their friendship, and the sigh for aging, expressing their sensitiveness to the passage of time confronted with the reality that it's difficult to achieve their ambitions. Moreover, Lu You also imitates Ou's specific articles, for instance, on the composition, the figure of speech, and similar remarks of ji. For the writing of botanical pu (register), the comparison between philosophical interests and nostalgia reveal their difference. As for what Lu learns from Su, those mainly lie in the writing spirit, human dignity, and self-cultivation. Lu You's emphasis on qi in his writing actually extends from Su's treatises on qi in purpose to improve the literary climate and morale. Lu also emulates Su's optimism and open-mindedness in difficult positions, represented through jocular and humorous writing. His writing of short genres can be attributed to Su's creations. Those works are not only inspired by Su's enlargement of subject matters and literariness, but also represent diverse styles and features. Both deeply influenced by Buddhism and Taoism for similar backgrounds, the portrayal of Buddhist monks, Taoist priests and the description of the friendship between them are their common points. Compared with Su's interests in philosophical explorations and arguments, Lu often shows his concerns as a Confucian, or directly expresses how he is influenced by Buddhistic and Taoistic thoughts. From the above discussion, Lu You certainly takes Ou-Su guwen as his paragons and inherits much from them. On the one hand, it reveals Ou and Su's far-reaching influence on the after ages; on the other hand, through Lu's well digestion and transformation of Ou-Su wen, his classical essays represent plentiful aspects and form his own unique style and characteristics.


