  • 學位論文


The influences of Atypical Employment on Mental Health: Job Control and Workplace Justice as Mediators

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


近年勞動條件除了對傳統薪資、福利等議題的討論,關於工作環境及工作者健康面向的關注程度亦有提升。受雇工作者面對薪資停滯的情況下,不但增加個人工作壓力,生活壓力亦隨之增加,進一步影響工作者的心理健康。工作者的心理健康狀況,為職業健康醫學領域所關注之新興議題,近年國外較多關注於「工作控制」和「組織正義」的影響,但我國國內的相關面向的研究文獻則是相對稀少。 本研究以典型、非典型工作者為研究對象,探討工作者的身分差異,是否會透過「工作控制」、「組織正義」兩中介因素,影響工作者的心理健康表現。分析結果發現,非典型工作身分會因為組織正義感受降低,而對工作者心理健康造成顯著負向影響;非典型工作身分不會因為工作控制程度降低,而對工作者的心理健康,造成顯著負向影響。 因此本研究認為,企業或組織若能夠積極的管理措施(組織正義四面向:分配正義、程序正義、人際關係正義、訊息正義),改善非典型工作者的組織正義感受,在無需增加龐大經費支出的情況下,同樣能達成提升非典型工作者的心理健康表現。


There has been an increase in the degree of concern about the working environment and the health of employees. Nowadays, employees have lots of work pressure and living pressure, which affects employees’ mental health seriously. The mental health of employees is an emerging topic of concern in the field of occupational medicine. Foreign countries have paid attention to the influence of "job control" and "workplace justice"(organizational justice), but domestic research on relevant aspects is relatively scarce. This study takes typical and atypical employments as the research objects to explore whether the differences in the status of employments will affect the mental health of employees through two mediators: "job control" and "workplace justice". The analysis results found that atypical employments will have a significant negative impact on mental health due to reduced workplace justice; atypical employments will not cause a significant negative impact on mental health due to reduced job control. Therefore, this study concludes that if a company or organization can take positive management measures (based on four aspects of workplace justice: distribution justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice, and information justice) to improve the atypical empoyments’ workplace justice conditions, the mental health of atypical empoyments can also be improved without increase huge expenditures.


李明濱、廖士程、陳碧霞、宋思潔、蔡佩樺、蔡佩真、翁瑋鍼、陳彥伶、 許濘宴(2009)。《心情溫度計:簡式健康量表BSRS-5》。臺北:台灣自殺防治學會全國自殺防治中心。頁1-18。
柯朝欽、鄭祖邦(譯),George Ritzer Douglas Goodman(原著)(2006)。《社會學理論(上)(下)》。臺北:巨流圖書公司。頁66-107。
