  • 學位論文

商業模式創新及演化之研究 - 以GUC為例

A Study on the Innovation and Evolution of Business Model– The Case of GUC

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


Chesbrough繼2003年發表「開放式創新」(Open Innovation)後,於2011年更進一步提出「開放式服務創新」(Open Service Innovation),提醒企業必須將其發展重點與視野從技術與產品研發創新轉化為服務創新,方能在現今劇烈競爭的產業環境下,擺脫「商品化的陷阱」,繼續生存與成長。然而,將企業本身視為服務業也意味著企業必須調整商業模式,甚至改變價值主張,方能真正突破「商品化」的困境,展現績效與價值。有鑒於此,本研究透過對個案的跨時研究,探討開放式創新模式在實務上的應用、商業模式與內外環境的適配(Fit),提供國內IC設計業者一個可參考的借鏡。 本研究採演化的觀點,分析個案公司的商業模式如何因內外環境的改變而進行演化,與商業模式、價值創造及財務績效之間的關聯性。在研究意涵方面,隨著半導體產業朝人才集中、資本密集與技術密集方向發展,原本相對開放的半導體產業生態系統也逐漸出現聚合與收斂的現象,使得以往強調效率的產業分工的型態,逐漸發展為強調客戶價值與透過併購而將價值內部化的產業整合型態。同時,相較於以往產業的創新是由中、小型公司所發動,未來半導體產業的重大的創新可能將由大型企業所主導,中、小型公司的生存空間將遭到擠壓。未來將是企業間商業模式與生態系統的競爭,而不再只是產品與技術的競爭。最後,本論文亦提出產業未來發展之建議。


Open Innovation and Open Service Innovation were proposed by Chesbrough in 2003 and 2011 separately. Open Innovation was much acclaimed to set a paradigm for innovation management and collaborative enterprise, while Open Service Innovation was proposed to rethink business innovation from a service perspective to create and sustain differentiation in a commodity trap world. Our study is to explore how a firm adopts the concept of Open Innovation to start up a company, and then transforms the company by adopting Open Service Innovation concept to serve a new segment to drive continuous growth. The process is known as business model evolution. This study identified and summarized the driving forces of the business model evolution into five categories and ten indicators, and the relationship between business model innovation and value creation and financial performance. This study concluded that Open Innovation and Open Service innovation concepts can be realized in a highly disintegrated industry because a firm can leverage the eco-system of the industry to build up the value and optimize cost through collaboration. This study also proposed a firm should monitor whether the values provided can meet customer’s expectation or not, and should do some necessary changes for continuous growth. Finally, to mobilize the trends of More-than-Moore and 3DIC are also suggested for business model innovation in IC design industry.


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