  • 學位論文


Research on Horizontal Collaboration Model of Silicon Intellectual Property Providers

指導教授 : 蔣明晃 蘇雅惠 郭瑞祥


半導體產業發展至今不過半世紀,卻已由原本垂直整合的IDM,逐漸解構為今日專業分工的型態。80年代末期,隨著無晶圓廠IC設計公司與晶圓代工廠的相繼出現,IC設計與製造弁銃}始從IDM中獨立出來;而90年代中期,隨著製程技術的快速發展使得設計複雜度大為提升,加上SoC概念的具體化,促成「重複使用設計元件」的觀念大為普及,產業結構於是再一次地分工,IC設計逐漸區分為IC產品設計、元件設計、與元件設計整合服務三大價值活動,其中可重複使用的設計元件被稱為「矽智財」(簡稱IP),而提供IP的公司則被稱為「IP供應商」。面對IP的興起,不僅半導體價值鏈上的各種廠商為能有效地結合不同的核心能力,以縮短產品生命週期,而有愈來愈多垂直合作的關係產生,而在廣義IP供應商之間,也因為各家公司所擁有的IP技術及核心能力不盡相同,其彼此間均為IC設計所需的互補性解決方案,各家公司為取得其核心能力以外的資源或能力,以快速提供客戶更完整的IC設計解決方案,於是產生了一股水平合作的風潮。然而關於此一水平合作的趨勢,學界至今仍缺乏系統性的整理與討論,本研究於是希望透過對於IP供應商之間合縱連橫關係以及其進行水平合作流程的探索,探索廣義的IP供應商如何進行水平合作的產業現象。 根據各公司2002年的營運資料,本研究首先選擇了世界前十大以及國內前七大IP供應商為個案公司,蒐集各公司基本資料及次級資料,然後依照各公司的經營模式,將這些廣義的IP供應商分為四大類,分別是:專注特定技術的專業IP 供應商、技術多元的專業IP 供應商、以EDA工具為核心能力的IP供應商、以及以提供設計服務與後段整體服務為主之IP供應商,並且在次級資料完整性以及樣本飽和度的考量下,於每一類廠商中列出數家欲進行深度訪談的預選公司。最後透過滾雪球抽樣法,於預選公司中找到了五家IP供應商,以深度訪談的方式進行第二階段的資料蒐集。 本研究的成果首先在於透過對於各種類型的IP供應商之間兩兩互動模式的探索,發現目前業界各種不同類型的IP供應商之間所進行的水平合作,除了透過一方IP技術或EDA工具的提供,協助他方製成IP產品的技術授權、或極少數共同開發IP的研發合作以外,最常見的模式乃是雙方就其已開發完成的IP、EDA工具、或設計服務的能力,與其他互補性的IC設計解決方案夥伴加以結盟,以合成更完整的IC設計解決方案聯合促銷給共同客戶的合作。而由於IP技術的授權乃是各種完整解決方案的合作模式中共同的要素,因此進一步討論當交易標的為IP解決方案時雙方水平合作的流程,整理出合作雙方於締約前以及締約後的重要活動以及容易發生的問題。最後,本研究嘗試運用交易成本理論,針對前述廣義的IP供應商合作的模式以及合作過程中所發生的問題進行分析與解釋,並據此發展出十二項準命題,可供後續研究進行進一步的驗證與討論。


With the advances in semiconductor manufacturing technology and the trend of “System on a Chip”, “Intellectual Property (IP)”, which is reusable IC design component, has become an important concept in IC design industry. Since 90s, IC design industry has gradually disintegrated into three major businesses: IC product design, IP component, and design service. Since most IP providers have different IP technology and core competences, more and more IP providers start to collaborate with one another in order to obtain complementary resources or abilities to provide complete IC design solutions to customers. A trend of “horizontal collaboration” has been happening. The goal of this research is then to explore how each IP provider collaborates with one another under the new business paradigm. Seventeen IP providers were first selected as the sample companies and classified into four patterns of business models, which include (1) IP vendors who provide Star-IP or specialized techniques, (2) IP vendors who provide IP components with multiple functions, (3) IP vendors who provide EDA tools as their core business, and (4) IP vendors who provide design service and turnkey service as their core businesses. Within the four patterns of business models, five representative IP providers are further chosen as the focus of case study and in-depth interviews were conducted within these five companies. Through interviews and information collection of these five companies, we found that the most common horizontal collaboration model in IP industry is the collaboration between two companies to provide a complete solution to customers by combining complementary IP services such as EDA tools, core IP technology and design service. During the collaboration process, however, some difficulties might occur before and after the contract stage. We used Transaction Cost theory to explain why the collaboration will mostly occur and how to solve the difficulties during the collaboration process. At last, twelve quasi-propositions are proposed which can be used for the future validation research directions.


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陳建良(2013)。商業模式創新及演化之研究 - 以GUC為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.01859
