  • 學位論文


Research on Business Model of Silicon Intellectual Property Providers

指導教授 : 蘇雅惠 蔣明晃 郭瑞祥


80年代末期,隨著半導體產業的垂直解構,使得無晶圓廠IC設計公司與晶圓代工廠相繼出現;90年代末期,製程快速進步促成IC設計複雜度提昇以及具體化SoC設計概念,促使產業結構的再一次分工,使得IC設計逐漸區分成為IC產品設計、元件設計、與元件設計整合服務三大價值活動,並分別由專業廠商提供。在此新興的IC設計業中,IC產品設計公司著重產品市場之開發、行銷、以及與系統供應商關係之建立;元件設計公司專門提供IC設計公司在設計研發時所需之矽智財元件,一般稱為矽智財供應商 (IP Provider) ;而設計服務公司 (Design Service Provider) 則輔助IC設計公司完成從規格開立至進入晶片製造階段 (Tape Out) 之相關業務。短短五六年期間,廣義的IP元件產業逐漸興起並繼續發展,然而其經營模式目前仍處於渾沌未明的狀態,廠商間彼此既競爭又合作,各種不同的經營模式在市場上運作並隨時調整,尚未有一原理原則可供依循,因此本研究希望藉由深入探索個案公司歷史發展軌跡,了解並歸納各類型IP供應商如何經營其IP業務及其相關的非IP業務。研究流程及其相關成果分為三部分:首先,觀察產業現象發現,市場上各類型的IP供應商,以不同方式在經營IP業務:有從公司開始至今皆以複雜度高的處理器元件為其核心業務的公司、有原本經營電子設計自動化工具為主再加入IP經營的公司、有經營設計服務為主再加上IP元件的廠商、也有原本經營IP業務卻被收購或結束經營的廠商等,本研究根據廠商營運範疇及研究範圍設定,選擇35家廠商為研究標的個案,接著透過次級資料蒐集,進而將35家廣義的IP供應商依據其營運重心-其經營IP與非IP業務的發展軌跡-歸納為六大類,分別是 (1)以經營特定弁鄐兌P或特定技術為主的供應商、(2)以經營多樣化IP類型為主之供應商、(3)經營EDA工具為主之IP供應商、(4)以提供設計服務與後段整體服務為主之IP供應商、(5)以提供設計服務與IP為主廠商、以及 (6)直接以IP公司或事業部門作為交易標的之IP供應商。其次,分別探索與整理這六類IP供應商的特性,針對各類型IP供應商之歷史事件,以時間為軸,與產業環境變化以及科技技術的演進相互對映,找出關聯,並以與廠商深度訪談的方式進一步確認所歸納整理之產業現象。最後,以交易成本理論與制度經濟學為分析工具,分析影響產業中各種現象發生的原因,並據此發展出28項準命題,根據研究發現與準命題,分別說明本研究成果對於以經營IP為主之供應商、以及以其他業務為主IP為輔之供應商在管理層面之意涵。


Since 90s the advances in semiconductor manufacturing technology and the "system on a chip" design concept have brought a big change in IC Industry. IC Design business has dis-integrated into three major business entities: IC product design, IP component, and design service. Each business entity formulates their business portfolio differently. For example, in the IP-related business entities, some companies focus only on IP business, some companies provide a mix of design service, IP and EDA tool service, and some IP providers have been merged or acquired. It is then the goal of this research to explore the underlying business patterns of these IP-related business entities. In this research, 35 IP providers were taken as the samples companies and classified into six patterns, which are (1) IP vendors who provide Star-IP or specialized techniques, (2) IP vendors who provide IP components with multiple functions, (3) IP vendors who provide EDA tools as their core business, (4) IP vendors who provide design service and turnkey service as their core business, (5) IP vendors who focus on IP and design service, and (6) IP vendors or their IP department that have been acquired or merged. Next, history of each IP providers was collected. Correlation between their business model changes with economic events or technological changes was then constructed. With the Transaction Cost Theory and Institutional Economics Theory, causalities underlying these IP business model changes were provided. In addition, 28 quasi-propositions have been proposed based on these correlation data and theories. Managerial implications to the IP-related business were then provided.


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李明亮(2008)。矽智財委託設計製造(ODM)之權利瑕疵擔保責任之研究- 以台灣類比電源管理IC產業為例〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2008.00565
