  • 學位論文


A Study on Public-Private Partnership in Fulfilling the Social Welfare Task ─Also Study on the Guarantee of State

指導教授 : 林明鏘


民國70年代以降,國內開啟以公私合作模式履行社會福利任務,主要有「社會福利方案委託」與「社會福利設施委外經營」兩種模式,然相關法制並不完備,私人選任程序、契約內容擬定、履約管理等階段,皆存有諸多問題。民國89年公布施行促進民間參與公共建設法(以下簡稱「促參法」)後,將社福設施委外經營納入促參法的適用範圍,使公私協力的程序與實體規範之密度有所提升。然而,實務上仍然面臨許多困境,包含:競爭市場不健全、難以達成自負盈虧、服務對象保障不足、契約內容不明確、監督機制功能不彰、未落實國家擔保責任。 按社會福利任務之目的為滿足服務對象法定上權利,以及經濟或身心上需求,以實現生存照顧、保障弱勢、社會正義的社會國理念,非以追求利潤為主要目標。然促參法無法考量社會福利的特殊性,使得社會福利與促參法之精神有所扞格,因而產生適用上之困境,且公私協力履行社會福利任務原本所存在之問題,亦未得到相應解決方式,因而社會福利任務是否應適用促參法,仍有商榷餘地。 本篇論文透過比較法之研究,藉由德國國家擔保理論之指引,形塑國家角色與責任,維繫國家確保公益之責任。並分析德國社會救助法上相關規範,作為公私合作契約之借鏡。針對我國公私協力履行社會福利任務之本土問題,提出國家對公私協力的兩層次調控機制─法律規範層次與契約規範層次,以期建立一個合乎國家擔保責任與社會福利特性的公私協力制度。


Since 1980s, the social welfare tasks in Taiwan began to fulfill in Public- private Partnership (PPP), including “contracting out” and “outsourcing”. In 2000, “Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects” was enacted and promulgated, which promote the law system of PPP, but the social welfare tasks still face many difficulties. For example, the lack of sound competitive market, hard to make profit, lack of protection for the recipients, ineffective supervision, indefinite contract clauses, and incompletion of the guarantee of state. To follow the principle of social state, the main purpose of social welfare is satisfying the rights and requirements of recipients, not the pursuit of profit. However, “Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects” emphasizes economic benefits, which conflicts to the purpose of social welfare. The theory of the guarantee of state guides the role and responsibilities of state to ensure the public welfare. In addition, this thesis studies “Social Code of Germany”, and makes the suggestion for the regulations and contacts of PPP. The state governs PPP with two levels, one is enactment of law, and the other is management of contract performance. In conclusion, the law system of PPP in social welfare tasks shall accomplish the guarantee of state and comply with the purpose of social welfare.


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