  • 學位論文


The Effect of Environmental Color Composition and Harmony on Emotional Experience and Landscape Preference

指導教授 : 林晏州


景觀是由許多元素與色彩所交織而成,在我們生活環境之中,色彩是最直接且非均質存在的現象,然而關於環境色彩之研究卻鮮少著墨,近年來在環境保護與都市美化風潮下,開始重視人與自然環境間的關係,並設法讓人為介入自然之中,亦能呈現其地域性之美。藉由文獻回顧發現,色彩組成強烈影響著情緒感受與偏好,而情緒感受與景觀偏好除了受到景觀元素與空間序列構成的影響外,色彩的調和與否亦有著密不可分的關係,因此本研究主要目的在於瞭解環境色彩組成與色彩調和對情緒感受與景觀偏好的影響,並分為實驗一與實驗二兩步驟進行,首先透過image J影像軟體將200張之自然景觀影像轉換為量化之CIEL*a*b*色彩空間,以問卷進行色彩調和與景觀偏好的測量,並同時驗證色彩組成與色彩調和對景觀偏好的相關性,而後依據初步色彩調和測量結果,篩選出60張影像作為實驗二之刺激物,進行後續的緊張感、放鬆感、恐懼感、平靜感、興奮感、無聊感、愉悅感、憂鬱感等八個情緒形容詞與色彩調和、景觀偏好之問卷調查,並嘗試探討色彩空間與情緒體驗模型之間的關聯性。研究結果顯示,色彩組成的各個屬性與色彩調和程度與否的確會影響情緒感受與景觀偏好,其中色彩調和程度對於部份的情緒體驗與景觀偏好更有著高度的相關性。在自然景觀的刺激下,感到色彩調和的景觀,具有較高的正面情緒,而產生正向情緒感受時,對於此景觀的偏好亦會提升,此結果驗證了環境—情緒—行為反應模型中,認為情緒體驗為環境與行為反應之中介變項的概念,此外依據色彩組成與情緒感受測量結果,將CIEL*a*b*色彩空間對應到Russell環境情緒體驗環上,發現兩者具相對應之關係。最後透過以上結果得知色彩組成與色彩調和對情緒體驗和景觀偏好之關係以及色彩調和對自然環境之重要性,並以此為基礎提出未來規劃設計參考。


Landscapes are composed of various elements and colors. Colors play an important role and are never seen in isolation in our daily lives; however, there are few color studies on environmental space. With the recent trends of environmental protection and urban renewal, an effort is made herein to make a region reveal its own ‘personality’ regardless of the artificial facilities in a natural landscape. Studies have shown that color attributes strongly affect emotions and preferences; emotions and preferences were not only influenced by landscape elements and space sequences, but also have a strong relationship with color harmony. The main part of the study is aimed at finding the relationships among colors, emotions and preferences. This study is separated into two experiments. First, we collected 200 photos and used the software Image J to convert the RGB color space of the photos into CIEL*a*b* color space; we then evaluated color harmony and landscape preference through questionnaires. According to the result of color harmony evaluation from experiment 1, we chose 60 photos for the stimulus of experiment 2 and conducted a survey with 3 variables: emotional experience, color harmony and landscape preference. The emotional experience variables consisted of 8 different scales: tense, relaxed, afraid, calm, excited, bored, pleased and gloomy. We then tried to see if the CIEL*a*b* color space model reflects the Emotional Experience model. The results showed that there were differences among color attribute, color harmony, emotional experience and landscape preference. Color harmony had strong correlations with emotional experience and landscape preference. Under the stimulation of a natural landscape, when one feels harmonious, one will have a stronger relationship with positive emotions; the more positive the emotions, the higher the preference. This finding verifies the concept of emotion as a mediator between environment and behavior responses. Additionally, the CIEL*a*b* color space can be matched with the environmental psychology model. Through the results, we can determine the relationships among color attribute, color harmony, emotional experience and landscape preference. With the importance of color harmony to the natural environment, the study results can provide the basis for future planning and design reference.


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