  • 學位論文


Determination of Gallium and Indium in Food and Environmental Matrixes around a Science Park

指導教授 : 陳家揚


鎵跟銦是兩種被廣泛運用在高科技產業的金屬,不論是半導體或是面板產業都會使用到;隨著科技的進步,高科技產品的使用日益增多,這兩種金屬的用量也逐漸升高,臺灣又是世界知名的高科技重鎮,這兩種金屬的頻繁運用自然不在話下。之前的研究中指出,新竹科學園區廢水排入的客雅溪,水中被驗出了比其他地區較高濃度的鎵。除此之外,這兩種金屬在食物中的背景資料並不多。因此本研究將採集客雅溪以及附近頭前溪的水及底泥進行分析,並在當地購買食材 (豬肉、豬肝、豬腎、魚肉、蛤蜊以及牡蠣) 來偵測其中銦與鎵的濃度。本研究進行微波消化的方法測試以及方法驗證。1公克的食物加入5毫升的硝酸,而0.5克的底泥則加入6毫升硝酸和2毫升鹽酸,並在微波消化爐中依照各自的加溫程序升溫。消化液定量後再使用ICP-MS進行金屬的偵測。食物在微波消化之前添加三種不同濃度的鎵及銦標準品以進行方法驗證,回收率皆超過80%以上,並且%RSD皆不超過10%。底泥則是使用SRM 2782進行方法驗證,而本研究使用的方法偵測到的鎵跟銦皆落在SRM 2782的標準範圍之內。 在眾多食物樣本中,牡蠣及蛤蜊被檢測出具有高濃度的鎵,最高甚至可到達 79.7 ng/g,顯示出我們平常飲食中可能藉由這兩種海鮮攝取到高濃度的鎵,但在其他食物中的濃度皆十分相似。而銦在各類食物中的濃度皆相似。此外,不論是在底泥或者是河水中,在竹科廢水放流口下游都測到比上游還高的鎵與銦。除此之外,鎵在客雅溪水中偵測到的濃度較先前同樣地點的研究還高。而本篇研究後續則可結合新竹當地居民的日常飲食暴露調查研究,進行更完善的暴露評估研究


牡蠣 蛤蜊 魚肉 豬肉 豬肝 豬腎 客雅溪 頭前溪 新竹科學園區 底泥 河水 ICP-MS 微波消化


Gallium (Ga) and Indium (In) are two common metals in high-tech industries, and high technology industries in Taiwan were worldwide famous. However, the information on human exposure to these two metals from environmental and food matrixes are still limited. A previous study showed that there was high concentration of gallium in Keya Stream the river where Hsinchu science park discharge wastewater. This study focuses on food (pork, pig livers, pig kidneys, fish, oysters and clams) and environmental matrixes (water and sediment) that collected from Keya Stream, Toucian River and Hsinchu City. Microwave digestion was used to digest samples in this study. One gram food samples were mixed with 5 mL nitric acid and 0.5 g sediment samples were added with 9 mL nitric acid and 3 mL hydrochloric acid, then were heated by their individual heating program. ICP-MS is used to detect these two metals. The method was validated by spiking three different levels of standards of gallium and indium before microwave digestion. The recoveries of three spike levels were higher than 80% and the %RSD were lower than 10%. The concentrations of SRM 2782 detected in this research were in the certified concentration range. Gallium were found at high concentrations in oysters and clams, and it showed that people might intake high contents of gallium from oysters and clams. The concentrations of gallium in pork, kidneys livers and fish were similar. Indium in different food were similar, too. The sediment and water samples after the effluent of Hsinchu science park were detected high concentration of gallium and indium in Keya Stream. The concentrations of gallium in water from Keya Stream were higher than the previous research in the same sites before, and the concentrations of indium in water from Keya Stream were higher than some rivers and lagoons in Japan. This research enriched the information of gallium and indium in different food, and indicated the metal pollution from science park in environment.


gallium indium oyster clam fish kidney liver pork water sediment Keya Stream Toucian River Hsinchu Science Park Microwave digestion ICP-MS


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