  • 學位論文


Seeking Opportunities in Vietnam: Taiwanese Who Work in Vietnam

指導教授 : 林照真 李顯峰


新南向政策的提出使得媒體聚光燈再次聚焦,相關報導多是在東南亞國家創業的成功案例。然而,前進東南亞國家創業或工作並非如此容易。本報導聚焦在越南創業或工作的臺灣人,撇除南向熱潮的思維,真實呈現他們在越南生活遇到的挑戰與因應之道。 本報導訪談的在越臺灣人,其年齡層及職業的涵蓋範圍不拘,藉此呈現較多元的面向。各章節人物因相似經歷或背景被串連在一起,每章報導都是一個獨立篇章。第一章內容先點出臺灣民眾長期忽視越南,以及臺灣服務業南進越南市場遇到的問題。第二、三章的受訪者為近期南向的主角,分別是新住民二代與年輕台幹,文章中報導他們在越南台資廠工作的實況、遇到的衝突和他們的應對方式。 接續章節報導的則是較早些進入越南的台商,分別是年輕的創業家與企業二代。創業家因為越南創業門檻低,冒著不同風俗民情、法規隨時可能變動等風險,選擇在越南創業;企業二代則因為台資廠內部員工的觀念保守,他們為公司引進新的管理風格時,遇到來自資深員工的扞格。 最後一章則以在越南停留較久的資深台商為報導對象,提出他們對臺灣年輕人的建議。例如,越南機會雖然很多,目前仍舊以傳統產業為大宗,臺灣年輕人應深思工作內容是否適合,應避免為南向而南向。


在越臺灣人 越南 創業 工作 市場 經濟


The proposition of New Southbound Policy has yet again caught the attention of the media. Related articles mostly focus on Taiwanese who successfully start a business in South East Asia. However, starting a business or work in South East Asia is not as easy as the media has shown. This series of in-depth reports would focus Taiwanese who start their business or work in Vietnam. To put aside the southbound trend provoked by the media, and describe challenges and adaptions they have encountered in Vietnam. This series of in-depth reports will feature a wide spectrum of the age and the occupation of Taiwanese who work in Vietnam, for the purpose of a more comprehensive description. Featured figures in each individual chapter are connected due to similar experiences or backgrounds. The first chapter would point out the ignorance attitude Taiwanese used to hold toward Vietnamese, and problems or obstacles faced by Taiwanese service industry heading into Vietnamese market. Figures in the second and the third chapter would be the recent southbound Taiwanese, which are descendants of Taiwanese and Vietnamese, and youngsters aged 24 to 28. These two chapters would report working conditions, conflicts, and adaptions they had in traditional Taiwanese industries in Vietnam. The following chapters would feature young entrepreneurs and enterprise successors who started working in Vietnam earlier. Entrepreneurs risk cultural differences and regulation instability to build a business in Vietnam because of its low venture bar. As for enterprise successors, they often collide with senior conservative employees for introducing new management styles. The last chapter would feature a senior, experienced Taiwanese businessman in Vietnam. He gave suggestions to southbound Taiwanese youngsters to avoid chasing after the southbound trend and ponder whether traditional Taiwanese industries in Vietnam suit their characteristics.


Taiwanese in Vietnam Vietnam job market work economy


王志勝(2008 年 6 月),〈企業社會責任與勞資衝突—以越南台商製鞋公司的罷工為例〉,國立暨南大學東南亞研究所碩士論文。
王宏仁、蔡承宏(2007 年 10 月),〈族群天花板:越南台商工廠內部族群分公與職位升遷〉,《臺灣東南亞學刊》,4:2,p.53-p.74。
