  • 學位論文

新世代真空幫浦廠經營策略研究 —以A公司為例

The Analysis of New Generation Dry Pump Business Strategy — A Case Study of Company A

指導教授 : 陳思寬


在半導體與光電製程中,真空幫浦扮演著基礎卻又重要的角色;隨著近年因新冠肺炎疫情所延伸的新常態,5G網通與雲端伺服器市場擴張,和先進駕駛輔助系統的崛起,半導體和光電市場的晶片需求與供給之間的落差,短時間內無法平衡;為確保相關產業的運作,科技大國都在半導體產能的擴張上加強投資,半導體設備相關商機在未來幾年將可望再創新高。 雖然商機無限,但是隨著工業4.0的演進,以及半導體先進製程對製造環境的品質要求提升,傳統半導體設備的功能設計與產品思維,將無法滿足越來越嚴苛的客戶需求;隨著國外半導體設備商的設計創新與價格競爭,身為國內乾式真空幫浦第一品牌的總經理,千惠將結合過去所學的創新思維與行銷理論,訂定公司產品服務的新方向(資料為王!深度學習與雲端服務);並透過STP/品牌地位地圖等分析,為公司尋求數位化和新舊產品轉型的契機(數位化與企業組織重整);最後並為新產品/服務的行銷與市場導入策略進行分析與討論。


半導體 真空幫浦 經營策略


With the COVID “new normal”, the 5G, ADAS and cloud servers’ markets continually growing. But gap between chip demand and supply cannot be balanced in a short period of time. To ensure the operation of related industries, major technology countries have increased investment in the expansion of semi-production capacity. Although the business opportunities are limitless, but the challenge of fab environment quality of the advanced semi-manufacturing process is also critical. The old mindset of semi-equipment design will not be able to meet increasingly stringent customer needs. As the GM of the domestic Top dry pump brand corp, Franshir will combine the innovative thinking and marketing theory learned in the past to set a new direction for the company's products and services (data is king! Deep learning and cloud services); and through the analysis of STP/brand status map, the company seeks opportunities for digitalization and transformation of new and old products (digitalization and corporate reorganization); finally, marketing and market for new products/services Import strategies for analysis and discussion.


Semiconductor Dry Pump Business Strategy


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