  • 學位論文


A Study On The Image of Intercultural Marriage In Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳玉華


台灣社會在短期內迅速增添了許多的跨國婚姻,而婚姻在形式上雖然只是法律關係與契約的結合,但是卻可反映不同個體的家庭價值觀及呈現不同時代的社會文化特色與意義。關於跨國婚姻之意向,本研究使用中央研究院社會學研究所之「2004年第一次社會意向調查」資料為之分析,旨在知悉台灣民眾在跨國婚姻上嫁女兒與娶媳婦之跨國婚姻態度會否受國籍別差異與對子女的性別態度差異之影響及驗證社經地位與文化心理因素何者才是影響台灣民眾對子女嫁娶大陸人之態度存有性別差異的主要面向。 本研究發現,台灣民眾挑外籍女婿與選外籍媳婦之偏好模式均可分為「開明放任」、「半開明半拘謹」與「謹慎保守」三類,但是,因為台灣民眾一般存有國籍偏好,所以台灣民眾挑外籍女婿與選外籍媳婦之跨國婚姻偏好模式可分為九種類型。並且挑外籍女婿與選外籍媳婦之跨國婚姻偏好模式顯示,約四成的台灣民眾無論女兒和兒子嫁娶何國籍者,其均會持贊成的態度,而其餘六成的台灣民眾則會因國籍上的偏好而異。易言之,大部分的台灣民眾在跨國婚姻上嫁女兒與娶媳婦之跨國婚姻態度會受國籍差異所影響。而在控制國籍別後,針對子女嫁娶大陸人之態度顯示,現今多數台灣民眾對子女嫁娶大陸人是持相同的態度,僅有少部分台灣民眾對子女嫁娶大陸人之態度存有差異。就此而言,其表示台灣民眾對子女之嫁娶已不若往昔僅重視兒子娶媳婦。再者,多元邏輯迴歸分析指出「文化心理因素」才是影響台灣民眾對子女嫁娶大陸人之性別差異的主要面向,並非過去一般認為的「社經地位」,特別是族群成見不僅會使台灣民眾較不贊成子女嫁娶大陸人,也會使台灣民眾較贊成女兒嫁給大陸人。


In short term, there are rapidly raising many intercultural marriage in our society. Although the form of marriage is combined with the legal relationship and agreement, its essential meaning can reflect on different individuals' family values and social culture characteristic as well as in different appearance of era. As to such meaning of intercultural marriage, this study takes the first social image survey in 2004 investigated by Institute of Sociology Academia Sinica and its purpose is to understand if national difference and sex preference affect Taiwanese intercultural attitude for having a foreign son-in-law and a foreign daughter-in-law and to verify which socioeconomic status or cultural and psychological factors is the most dimension to affect Taiwanese to marry their daughters and sons. The study finds that both preference patterns which Taiwanese choose a foreign son-in-law and a foreign daughter-in-law could divide into three kinds which are “liberal and laisser-faire”, “half liberal and half discreet” and “discreet and conservative”. However, Taiwanese generally have different national preference; there are nine kind of the intercultural marriage preference which Taiwanese choose a foreign son-in-law and a foreign daughter-in-law. And it shows forty percent Taiwanese whatever their daughters and sons want to marry whom, they will have a favorable attitude and another sixty percent Taiwanese will be differential by national preference. In other words, most Taiwanese which have a foreign son-in-law and a foreign daughter-in-law will affect by national difference. After controlling the nationality, the attitude about marrying the daughter and the son to the mainlander shows that nowadays most Taiwanese have the same attitude about marrying the daughter and the son to the mainlander and few Taiwanese have different attitude. In view of the above, it means that Taiwanese have no longer paid more attention to the marriage of sons than the daughters’. Moreover, multinomial logistic regression indicates that “cultural and psychological factors” is the most influential dimension but not the “socioeconomic status” dimension which affects Taiwanese intercultural marriage attitude for marrying the daughter and the son to the mainlander, especially ethnic prejudice which not only will make Taiwanese not agree their children with marrying mainlanders but also more agree the daughter with marrying the mainlander.


