  • 學位論文


The Application of the Principle of Proportionality in Civil Law

指導教授 : 詹森林


近年來民法實務及學說漸漸開始使用「比例原則」一語作為論述基礎,然而,關於比例原則在民法上運用情形之國內外討論相當少,尤其是國內,幾無討論此問題之專書或專論,多僅於學者討論比例原則或其他概念時,順道以極小篇幅、甚至僅短短幾行,論述其認為比例原則於民法上有無適用而已,就相關問題幾無論述,例如:公法上比例原則之產生及運用,乃係針對「國家權力侵害禁止過度」,而於一般認為並無國家權力介入之民法關係中,於此處所提及之「比例原則」,其意涵究竟為何?係如同公法上比例原則之意義,抑或另有所指?公法上之比例原則與民法所強調之私法自治原則,本質上是否衝突?公法上之比例原則運用於體質不相同的民法之中,是否會有扞格之處? 於上述各問題中,本文將討論重心置於:探究民法實務及學說使用「比例原則」一語時,所欲表達之真意為何,換言之,民法上「比例原則」之意涵究竟為何,其與公法上之比例原則是否相同?並試著將實務學說歸類為:回復名譽之適當處分、鄰地關係、正當防衛、喪失勞動能力、解僱、民法第359條但書、金額之酌定、競業禁止…等案例類型分別討論,再就各種案例類型作統一之比較分析,嘗試由此歸納出民法上使用「比例原則」一語時,其真意及特色為何,並提出個人淺見。最後則討論,若上述學說實務借用「比例原則」所欲表達之概念,已可藉由民法固有之誠信原則及權利濫用禁止之概念表達,是否仍有必要引進公法上「比例原則」一語作為論述基礎之問題。


In civil law, recent judicial practices as well as the academics have started to embrace the principle of proportionality as the foundation for their legal arguments. Yet how the principle of proportionality is to be applied in civil law receives scant attention. Especially in Taiwan, few if any works have been dedicated to this issue. Most discussions concerning this issue spare only a few words out of their limited length in arguing whether the principle of proportionality should be applied in civil law or not, while further discussions are seldom conducted. For example, the origin and exercise of the principle of proportionality in public law purport this principle as with the aim to prohibit excessive abuse of the state power. However, in civil law, generally regarded as no state power exists, the purpose and function of the principle of proportionality seems suspicious. Does the principle of proportionality serve the likely purpose as it does in public law? Or does it perform another distinctive function? Does the Principle of proportionality in public law conflict with the principle of private autonomy in civil law? Last but not least, is it fitting and proper for the principle of proportionality originated in public law to be applied in civil law? This Paper is aimed to explore what civil law judicial practices and academics truly intend to mean when they use the phrase “the principle of proportionality” in their legal argument, and explore whether this principle is so used in the same context as it is used in public law. To conducts this mission, this Paper firstly classifies relevant judicial practices and academic works into categories including petitions for proper disposition to restore reputation, adjacent relation, justifiable defense, non-competition clauses for employees, deciding the amount of money and so on. It then proceeds to make a general comparative analysis, exploring the genuine and distinctive meanings of the principle of proportionality as applied in civil law, and addresses the author’s personal opinion. Finally as its conclusion, this Paper discusses the desirability of the principle of proportionality in civil law, especially when the function of this principle as judicial practices and the academics so intend could arguably be, or might have already been, fulfilled with the principle of good faith and the principle of prohibition of abuse of rights.


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