  • 學位論文

浦島傳說中的中國文學影響 : 以上代到中世為中心

The effect of Chinese Literature of the fable of urashima : from Antiquity time to Middle ancient time

指導教授 : 朱秋而


浦島傳說一直深受日本人的喜愛。從上古時代的『日本書記』、『丹後國風土記』、『萬葉集』到室町時代的『御伽草子』都有收錄關於浦島傳說的記載。甚至到近代的作家如坪內逍遙、森鷗外、太宰治等人也都利用浦島傳說加以改寫。 關於浦島傳說的研究方向,一般說來可以分為受到中國文學影響的仙鄉淹留譚以及海宮遊幸譚這兩個方向。本篇論文的研究重點在於浦島傳說與中國文學的關係。有鑑於浦島傳說到了室町時代之後,受到中國文學方面的影響逐漸淡薄。因此本稿的研究範圍鎖定在從上古時代到室町時代的浦島傳說。 筆者除了從各個時代的浦島傳說為研究的對象以外,也著眼在浦島傳說的構成要素,將浦島傳說區分為男主人翁、女主人翁、烏龜、場所、寶盒、時間,並討論這幾項構成要素之間的關聯、以及構成要素因為時代的變遷而被賦予新的意涵等方面也有涉獵。 關於本篇論文可以大致區分為兩個部分。一個是探討各個時代的浦島傳說中與中國文學相關的部分,在本篇的第一章、第三章、第四章的第一節與第二節有詳細的討論:第一章的內容是以上代的浦島傳說為主要的研究對象,第三章則是以平安時代後期到室町時代以前的浦島傳說為討論的對象,第四章的研究重心放在室町時代的浦島故事的特色與受到中國文學的影響等層面;另一個部分是討論有關構成浦島傳說的諸要素受到來自於中國文學方面的影響,在本篇的第二章與第四章的第三節中有關於構成要素的討論。


The fable of urashima continuously deeply earns Japanese’s affection. From ‘nihonnsyoki’, ‘tanngokunihudoki’, ‘mannyousyuu’ of antiquity time to ‘otogizoushi’ of middle ancient time have including about the fable of urashima. Even modern writer such as tuboutisyouyo, moriougai, dazaiosamu also used the fable of urashima to rewrite. In general, about the research direction of the fable of urashima was been separated into two parts. One is ‘sennkyouennryuutann’, influenced by Chinese Literature; the other is ‘kaiguyuukoutann’. The point of thesis is the relationship between the fable of urashima and Chinese Literature. After the age of ‘muromati’, the effect of the fable of urashima which influenced by Chinese Literature was increasingly weak. Therefore, the range of this thesis locks in the fable of urashima from antiquity time to middle ancient time. Besides contrasting with every age of the fable of urashima, discussing on components of it is also a point. I separate the fable of urashima into hero, heroine, turtle, spot, casket and time, and discuss the relationship between those components. I also discuss the change and new meaning of those. According to this thesis is separated into two parts. Parts of one, I discuss the fable of urashima in every age which connects to Chinese Literature, there are particular discussion in Chapter 1, Chapter 3, section 1and 2 in Chapter 4. Chapter 1 discusses the fable of urashima of every version; Chapter 3 concerns the fable of urashima from the age of ‘heiann’ to the age of ‘muromati’; Chapter 4 introduces the characteristic of the fable of urashima of age of ‘muromati’ and the effect which influenced by Chinese Literature. Parts of two, I discuss each component of the fable of urashima which influenced by Chinese Literature. There are some discussion about components in Chapter 2 and section 3 in Chapter 4.


