  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Job Stressors on Physical and Mental Health of Thai Workers in Taoyuan City—Social Support as a Moderator

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


本論文旨在探討工作壓力源是否對在桃園市泰勞的身心健康造成影響﹐以及社會支持會扮演如何的角色。有鑒於此﹐經過文獻探討與分析之後﹐本研究認為工作壓力源之感受程度越高﹐在桃園市泰勞之身心健康就越欠佳﹐以及在桃園市泰勞所獲得的社會支持﹐會減緩工作壓力源對身心健康的影響。 因最近正值新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 肆虐全球之際﹐本研究為了避免疫情因素影響到研究結果的準確性﹐故自編一個叫做在臺泰勞對疫情的焦慮的量表﹐列出四個相關題目: (1) 您擔心疫情會影響到您的健康;(2) 您擔心疫情會影響到您的工作穩定;(3) 您擔心您在泰國的家人會感染病毒;(4) 您擔心您在泰國的家人會因為疫情而減少收入﹐並將其歸類為控制變項加以控制。 本論文以在桃園市工作的泰勞為研究對象﹐以便利抽樣進行問卷調查﹐有效問卷回收共計131分。為了驗證本研究以上的假設﹐本研究使用描述性統計﹑因素分析﹑相關分析以及階層二元邏輯迴歸分析等統計方法﹐得到以下結果: 一﹑工作壓力源對在桃園市泰勞的生理健康以及心理健康皆具有顯著負向影響。 二﹑在桃園市泰勞所獲得的社會支持﹐無論在生理層面還是心理層面﹐皆無顯著的緩衝工作壓力源的影響之效果。


The purpose of this study is to determine whether job stressor have impacts on physical and mental health of Thai workers in Taoyuan city, and to consider what kind of role that social support plays between these two variables. Based on this, after reviewing and analyzing numerous studies, this study considers the more job stressors Thai workers in Taoyuan city received, the worse their physical and mental health become, and the social support Thai workers in Taoyuan City received may alleviate the impacts of job stressors on their physical and mental health. Due to COVID-19, in order to prevent the accuracy of the results from getting affected by COVID-19 pandemic, this study developed a scale to measure the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on anxiety levels of Thai migrant workers, this scale contains 4 following items: (1) you worry COVID-19 pandemic may affect your health; (2) you worry COVID-19 pandemic may affect your job; (3) you worry your family members who lived in Thailand may get infected; (4) you worry your family members who lived in Thailand may lost income due to COVID-19 pandemic, and consider them to be control variables. The convenience sampling method was applied to 131 (effective samples) Thai workers who work in Taoyuan City. To ensure the hypotheses mentioned above, the collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, reliable analysis, correlation analysis and hierarchical binary logistic regression analysis. The Findings of this study were summarized as following: 1. Job stressor show significantly negative effects on physical health and mental health of Thai workers in Taoyuan city. 2. Regardless of physical or mental health, social support that Thai workers in Taoyuan city received show no significantly stress buffer effect.


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