  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Market Microstructure on Prediction Market

指導教授 : 陳文華


過去文獻從未以市場微結構的方式來探討不同預測市場的差異性與預測準確度的相關性,因此,本研究以英國地區的Betfair以及國內的未來事件交易所在本屆世界杯所推出的預測契約做為研究對象,分析兩市場在預測準確度是否具有顯著差異。發現兩市場無論在賽前或是第一輪後的預測準確率都無統計上的顯著差異。除此之外,兩市場的參與者在籌碼分佈方面確有顯著差異,但兩個預測市場的參與者並沒有因為各組的競爭程度而影響參與者的籌碼分佈,亦即競爭程度並非籌碼分佈差異的因素。 在考量價差與預測準確度、交易量和預測準確度以及平均價格和預測準確度的相關性時,都發現兩個預測市場的價差、交易量以及平均價格和預測準確度都未呈現統計上的顯著相關。最後,本研究想了解未來事件交易所在本屆世界盃預測契約的參與者是否有學習效果,結果賽前與第一輪比賽後的預測準確度在統計上並無顯著改變,雖然在一開始的預測準確度高於Betfair,但後續並未進一步反映資訊,使得原本假設的學習效果並未出現。


There has been no study to examine the relationship between the different prediction market and prediction accuracy in market microstructure approach. Thus, I conduct an empirical research by adopting the contracts regarding 2010 World Cup provided by Betfair, U.K.-based, and x future, Taiwan-based to analysis whether is any significant difference in prediction accuracy between the two prediction markets. Evidence shows that no matter pre-game or after the first round in group matches, there is no significant difference in prediction accuracy under the two markets. Besides, It’s valid the participants from the two markets will make different bet allocation, but the driving factor behind the phenomenon is not the competitiveness among the group. Then, we concern the correlations between the bid-ask spread, trading volume, price and prediction accuracy and we find that all the three market characteristics are no correlated with prediction accuracy. Finally, although the xfutures was more accurate than Betfair in the beginning, it did not respond to the new information generated form the field. As a result, it did not present the learning effect in prediction accuracy after the first round in group matches.


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5.Dye, R. (2008), ”The promise of prediction markets: A roundtable”, The McKinsey Quarterly, p.82
