  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of the Reorganization in the General Office of the Executive Yuan﹐1928–2010

指導教授 : 蕭全政


中華民國行政院建置於1928年,歷經訓政、憲政、戡亂及戒嚴時期,以致於民主化及全球化潮流的衝擊,期間行政院院本部組織與職能的調整,反映出國內外政經脈絡與環境變遷。 訓政時期至政府遷台前,在一連串內憂外患的戰亂中,行政院院本部的組織與職能多次配合行政院組織法修正調整,以因應實際政局的需求。 政府遷台後至解嚴前,在戒嚴的戰時體制下,政府機關全面掌控並主導國家在政治、經濟、社會及文化等各層面的網絡關係與運作發展,政府體系的組成運作及職能分工,亦深受威權體制的影響,以致於行政院組織法在法統延續的考量下,長期未予修正。 解嚴後至總統直選前,國內外政經情勢所帶來的政治民主化、經濟自由化及社會多元化趨勢,促使政府推動修憲、總統直選及行政院組織調整等改革;而國民黨及民進黨執政期間所致力推動從政府再造到政府改造的行政院組織調整,也一直是政府的施政重點。在此期間,行政院院本部組織與職能的增生和調整,亦反映出人民參與民主化的強烈需求與潮流趨勢。 總統直選後至2010年政府組織改造四法通過,台灣歷經二次政黨輪替,政權和平移轉,民主機制亦更加深化。行政院在組織調整後,其硬體的結構與軟體的人力均朝精簡、彈性、效能的目標邁進,以打造「小而能」的政府,俾全面提升國家競爭力。此外,總統直選後,在雙首長制的憲政體制下,行政院面對同時擁有民意正當性的總統與立法院,其角色功能之調整,亦影響政務推動之順暢。 本文以整體歷史政經脈絡為基礎,探討行政院院本部組織與職能之運作與變遷,藉以梳理出行政院院本部在當前行政院組織調整中應有之角色功能。


The Executive Yuan of the Republic of China was established in 1928, and since then it had gone through the tutelage, constitutionalism, rebellion suppression and martial law periods as well as the challenges of democratization and globalization. The organization and function of the Executive Yuan reflected the role it played in the political and economic context and the changes of the environment it confronted. Before the government migrated to Taiwan, the ROC faced a string of domestic troubles and foreign invasion. However, the organization and function of the Executive Yuan still managed to make adjustments in response to actual political demands at that time. After the government migrated to Taiwan and before the martial law was lifted, the government took overall control of the civil society and dominated the networking relationship and operational development of every political, economic, social and cultural dimension. Both the application of the constitution and the operation of the government system were deeply influenced by authoritarianism. Consequently the organization of the Executive Yuan had not been amended for a long time due to the consideration of legality continuance. However, in order to respond to actual political demands, the organization and function of the Executive Yuan had been adjusted and proliferated a couple of times. After the martial law was lifted and before the direct presidential election was held, the trends of political democratization, economic liberalization and social diversification conferred by the internally and externally political and economic situation led the government to push forward reforms such as the constitutional amendments, the direct presidential election and the organizational adjustment of the Executive Yuan. The reorganization of the Executive Yuan pushed forward by the ruling Kuomingtang and Democratic Progressive Party had long been the focal points of the government’s policy. During this period, the proliferation and adjustment of the organization and function of the Executive Yuan deeply reflected the demands of the people and the global trend of democratization at that time. After the presidential direct election and the passage of the four laws of the organizational reengineering in 2010, Taiwan completed the first party alternation and the peaceful transfer of the regime. The democratic mechanism of Taiwan was also deepened more. After the organizational adjustment of the Executive Yuan, both its organizational structure and human resources are directed toward the objectives of simplicity, flexibility and efficiency in order to fabricate a “small but capable” government to enhance the country’s global competitiveness. In addition, under the constitutional two-headed system, the Executive Yuan has to face concurrently the president and the Legislative Yuan, both of whom has the legitimacy of the public opinion. Consequently the adjustment of the role it plays also influences the smoothness of political promotion. This thesis takes the overall political and economic context in history as the basis to explore the operation and transition of the organization and function of the Executive Yuan in order to define the role it should play in the current reengineering of its organization.




林佩儀(2012)。我國中央社會福利行政組織體系演變過程 之研究(1987-2010)〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.10282
