  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Framing Controversial News: A Comparative Study of the News of U.S. Beef Import in The China Post, The Taipei Times and The Taiwan News

指導教授 : 彭文正


國內先前有關英文報紙的研究有限,研究題目鮮少觸及英文媒介如何呈現爭議性新聞,本研究以馬政府計畫開放含有萊克多巴胺瘦肉精的美國牛肉進口為觀察對象,透過內容分析和框架分析,探究國內英文報紙如何再現爭議性議題以及不同報紙之間是否存有差異。 本研究提出有別以往內容分析的新取徑,以加權指數的方式,針對不同的報導性質以及不同的版面位置,給予每則報導不同的權重,來彰顯每則新聞的合適價值,以凸顯國內三家英文報紙在報導美牛爭議過程中的動態走勢和強度變化,同時試圖找出造成差異的背後原因。 本研究發現,各報不同的經營規模、編採政策以及版面規劃,決定了美牛報導強度上的落差。 在框架分析方面,本研究發現,三報最常使用「衝突框架」來呈現美牛爭議,報導的新聞主題則以「反美牛抗爭」為主。The Taipei Times和The Taiwan News以反對黨人士為主要消息來源來建構「衝突框架」,The China Post則以畜牧業為主。 整體而言,政治立場偏綠的兩報The Taipei Times和The Taiwan News在美牛新聞立場上採取「反對」立場,泛藍的The China Post則是「贊成」為主。


This paper deals with the news coverage of proposal by President Ma to lift the ban on the import of ractopamine-tainted U.S. beef in The China Post, The Taipei Times, and The Taiwan News, and it compares among these three English newspapers in Taiwan how they represent the controversial issue. The methodology includes content analysis and framing analysis. The content analysis aims to examine the different attributes of the three newspapers. The framing analysis tries to explore how these newspapers construct the beef row and what is the difference between them. By framing analysis, this study finds that the conflict frame is most commonly used to present the beef row by the three newspapers. Anti-U.S. beef protest and struggle is most widely used as news topic to constitute the frame by these newspapers. To address the news topic, The Taipei Times, and The Taiwan News cite opposition parties as the main source while The China Post often quotes the statement of local livestock industry as news source. By content analysis, this study finds that the momentum of the beef row reporting varies between the three newspapers, depending on the scale of operation, the editorial policy and the layout management. To show the genuine momentum, this research employs a weighted approach to put more emphasis on the different genres of reporting and the distinctive page position of the story. Overall, The Taipei Times and The Taiwan News, two pro-pan-green newspapers, say “no” to President Ma’s proposal, while pro-pan-blue The China Post says “yes” to the proposal.


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