  • 學位論文


The Discourse of Chinese Civil Society: A case study on the protest against Xiamen PX Project

指導教授 : 范雲


本文首先回顧了採用Jeffery C. Alexander、Gianpaolo Baiocchi以及Agnes Ku三位學者所採用的文化研究途徑,以2007年發生的廈門PX項目事件為研究範疇,對中國市民社會的語式(discourse)進行分析。發現中國市民社會的語式主要有經濟發展語式、環境保護語式以及民主語式三大類;其中,以經濟發展語式為中國市民社會的宰制語式,環保語式首先生成起而與經濟發展與式對抗,並取得優勢,獲得絕大多數廈門市民的支持。整個事件的過程中也生成不少要求政治改革與落實民主政治的民主語式,但則採與經濟發展語式融合而非對抗的方式來增加說服的力量。市民社會與政府的語式當中,呈現出一組二元符碼體系進行批判與辯護。而民主語式進行批判的內容,依照涉及政治權力結構以及改革深度的不同,分別是「民意的尊重」、「政府體制改革」、「基本人權的維護」、「憲法、憲政的鞏固」、「選舉制度的落實」五個層次。雖然廈門PX項目事件所生成的民主語式,雖然並未真正促成中國民主化,不過卻成為全中國人民寶貴的民主資產,在下一個政治機會來臨時,更快的形成論述力量,推動更強的一波民主化。


Based on the cultural appproach of studies on civil society proposed by Jeffery C. Alexander, Gianpaolo Baiocchi, and Agnes Ku, I analyze the discourse of Chinese civil society which is brought out by the protests against Xiamen PX Project as an example. I find that the dominant discourse, economic development discourse, is challenged by the environmental protection discourse and the more important, the democratic discourse. The democratic discourse first emerged with the dominant discourse, economic development discourse, to intensify its persuasive power. The domecratic discourse not only asks the CCP goverment to follow the public opinion, but also a further transformation of the whole administration system. It asks for the check-and-balance of power, the protection of human rights and the most important, a sound democratic election. Although the protest against Xiamen PX Project do not truly democratize the state, the democratic discourse it brings out has become democratic assets of Chinese civil society, and it can be used more effectively and show its discursive power on the next wave of democratization.


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