  • 學位論文


Rethinking News Values:The Case of Real-Time News of the Apple Daily and the China Times Group

指導教授 : 谷玲玲


即時新聞是新媒體時代中一種新興的新聞型態,台灣即時新聞的「亂象」與即時新聞的新聞價值選取衍伸出的社會議題越來越多,然對此議題的研究仍屈指可數。故本研究嘗試初步探討即時新聞的形貌與其新聞價值,並嘗試討論新媒體時代,對於「新聞」的概念如何轉變。 本研究以內容分析法,分析2015年6月3日蘋果日報與中時集團當日共1082則即時新聞,透過類目建構、次數統計、數據分析來了解基本形貌,再將內容分析結果以深度訪談法,訪談編輯與媒體觀察者,探求數據背後呈現的社會脈絡與實務運作意義。 研究發現,新聞種類部分,《蘋果即時》主要的新聞種類是無法歸類於傳統新聞種類中的「其他」類,大多強調有趣、搞怪的新事物;《中時》部分,主要的新聞種類是「經濟新聞」。 新聞價值方面,《蘋果即時》與《中時》即時新聞都是以趣味性為最主要的新聞價值,且兩報各新聞種類主要的新聞價值相似度極高。 整體而言,媒體特性和報社調性會影響即時新聞的形貌。網路環境下,兩報都認同點閱率是維繫即時新聞生存不可忽視的一項指標,因此即時新聞的選材標準皆是「有發就見」,除了新聞真實性外,沒有選材標準。在此前提下,兩報的即時新聞仍因為報社調性不同而產生即時新聞風格上的差異,且為了增加點閱率,各報皆衍伸出不同的即時新聞策略,造就了不同的即時新聞形貌。


Real-time news is an emerging form of news and arousing increasing chaos of media performance in Taiwan. This paper provides an outline of real-time news in Taiwan, what news values it shows and discuss how “news’’ nature changes under the new media age. This paper deals with real time news of the Apple Daily and the China Times Group, using content analysis and depth interviews as method. The content analysis aims to illustrate the outline of real time news by category construction, coding and quantitative analysis. The sample includes a total of 1082 real-time news reports of June 3, 2015. The depth interviews aim to translate the statistical data into practice. The results show that the majority of news item from the Apple Daily is “other”, which was hard to be categorized in traditional definition of news. The main news category of the China Times Group is “economic news” . Otherwise, the Apple Daily and the China Times Group real-time news are highly comparable in news value, with "interesting" as the major news value of both of them. Overall, the results reveal that the outlines of real-time news differ by different style of news organization and media characteristics. Both the Apple Daily and the China Times Group agree that click through rate is a non-negligible index of survival in Internet world. Thus, there is no standard to release press besides news reality. In this case, the Apple Daily and the China Times Group still have different news style and apply different strategies to increase click through rate of real-time news; accordingly, they show different outline of real-time news.


real time news new media news values Apple Daily China Times


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