  • 學位論文


A World of Paradox: An Interpretive Study in Virtual Community

指導教授 : 謝清佳


網路社群的互動,因為個人的實體形象與身分皆隱匿在電腦之後,人際互動的場域和實體世界互不干涉,人們很容易把網路社群做為獨立於實體世界之外的管道,在這裡建構實體世界未能達成的理想形象,實踐實體世界之外的人際關係,或是抒發無法在實體世界充分表露的言語。但在另一方面,網路具有搜尋與互相連結的功能,網路社群中私密的發言、隱匿的身分和理想化的人格,很容易在互相參照中與實體世界發生連結,成為公開流傳的訊息,或是暴露個人的實體資料。此外,當個人希望能將實體形象在網路社群中傳遞,或是社群貼文的閱覽人希望了解發文者的實體形象時,往往因為缺乏情境脈絡和社會暗示而顯得困難重重。然而,過去研究似乎都偏重於強調網路互動的私密性:參與者在其間可以抒發實體世界不得表露的言語,可以自由塑造理想中的形象並且隱藏不欲人知的部分,甚至創造一個和現實中不一致的身分;對於因網路強大的搜尋和連結功能所造成的私下發言被公開的流傳,個人實體資料被查閱,以及網路身分和實體身分互相延續的部分較少著墨。 本研究以劇場理論觀點為研究指引,觀察網路社群中的文字互動,從「公開表述與私下議論」、「理想形象的塑造與真實形象的揭露」、「網路身分與實體身分之關連性」三方面來探討網路社群互動中對立現象並存的狀況,並且超越劇場理論以面對面互動為解釋範圍的侷限,歸結出網路文字互動特有的現象。在研究方法的部分,本研究為求對個案在情境下的個殊現象有較為深入的探討,採取詮釋性哲學的研究立場,使用網路俗民誌學的資料採集方式,並經過三次的釋義循環來理解觀察社群中的互動現象。 本研究將研究主題放在空間和時間的脈絡下詮釋,看到了「公開表述與私下議論」、「理想形象的塑造與真實形象的揭露」、「網路身分與實體身分之關連性」在空間、時間延展下,表現出不同於過往研究論述專注於網路互動某個「時空點」的現象。平衡了過去學術上偏向於認為網路社群適合私密交流、有利於主導形象的研究觀點,以及偏重於網路身分與實體身分間斷裂性的研究興趣;同時,也提醒了未來擬採用劇場理論觀點的網路互動研究,跳脫過去研究直接套用理論隱喻,未對理論前提實為面對面互動進行思辯的疏漏。


Past studies mostly suggest that virtual community be the platform especially applicable for private exchange and for people to build up their ideal images because people express themselves through hiding their real images and identities behind computers. However, few studies mentioned that the anonymously private opinions at cyberspace are easily cited and forwarded as public ones because of the powerful search engines and hyperlink connections of internet; the elaborate internet images may also easily collapse because of the cross reference at cyberspace. This study considers that the virtual community can be both public and private channel at the same time, its superior situation for individuals to dominate personal images is marginalized as time pass by, and the personal virtual identity and real identity is not only continuous but complimentary. The study is conducted as an interpretive research and takes the views of dramaturgical theory to unobtrusively observe a virtual community. The field data is collected in the light of virtual ethnography and analyzed upon hermeneutic circle. With the arguments in this study, the author expects to provide an alternative perspective for academic research in virtual community, and the administrative team of every virtual community will recognize the said characteristics in online interaction and elaborate appropriate online environment for their members.


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