  • 學位論文

跨國宗教活動關鍵成功因素 —以藏傳佛教「噶舉大祈願法會」為案例

Key Success Factors of Multinational Religious Events —Case Study of the Kagyu Monlam

指導教授 : 黃崇興




The Kagyu Monlam is a multinational event that has been held for more than 500 years. Attendees of the Kagyu Monlam come from more than 50 countries and the event transcends cultures, nations, and even religions. However, in all its long history, no academic research has ever defined the event's success or the factors behind it. This study used two surveys to examine the motivations of attendees and key success factors of the event. The three main motivations for monks were: to pray for world peace, to listen to the teachings of His Holiness, to work for His Holiness; for laypersons: to listen to the teachings of His Holiness, to meet with His Holiness, to pray for world peace; for volunteers: to work for His Holiness, to contribute to help the event run smoothly, to meet with His Holiness. Key success factors of the event were: rich and solid programs, real time oral translations, translations of the Monlam Prayer Book, clear themes for events, listening to the teachings of His Holiness. The most important factor for enhancing the goodness in the hearts of attendees was interaction with His Holiness, particularly listening to the teachings of His Holiness. The results of this study can serve as a reference for future Kagyu Monlam events and other studies.


1. 噶舉大祈願法會官網,噶舉大祈願法會,http://www.kagyumonlam.org,(存取時間:2016/05/01)。
2. 達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會資訊網,https://www.tibet.org.tw/intro_buddhism.php,(存取時間:2016/05/15)。
3. 創古亞洲資訊網,http://www.thranguhk.org/buddhism/cn_buddhism.html,(存取時間:2016/05/14)。
