  • 學位論文


Experimental Evaluation and Energy Consumption Simulation of Different Energy-saving Strategies for Building under Taiwan Climate

指導教授 : 呂良正


建築節能減碳是臺灣永續發展之重要研究方向,本研究主要探討建築節能措施於臺灣氣候下之空調節能效益,利用擴充性高之兩棟實驗屋,一棟設置為對照組,另一棟則採用其他不同的節能措施(實驗組)如:外遮陽板、內遮陽窗簾、外牆隔熱材、不同開窗率及換氣率等,藉由比較兩棟實驗屋之實驗數據,實際驗證各節能措施之效益,並找出效益最大且施作較為容易之節能策略。 實驗分為兩大類,第一類為室內溫度及耗電量PCI指標實驗,實驗組變因為內遮陽、外遮陽、不同屋頂及外牆熱傳透率(U值)、不同換氣率等,利用資料擷取系統監測室內外溫度、濕度、風速、太陽輻射能等資料,而後進行室內溫度及耗電量PCI指標之比較;第二類實驗為空調耗能實驗,實驗變因為不同外牆及屋頂熱傳透率(U值)、內外遮陽及立面開窗率,除了前述監測資料外,兩棟實驗屋內各裝置一台分離式變頻冷氣機及記錄空調耗電量的數位電表,以實際比較兩棟之空調耗電量,以了解不同節能措施曝露於本土氣候條件下之實際空調節能效益。 同時,利用建築耗能分析軟體eQUEST建立實驗屋之數值模型,並比對數值模擬的空調耗電量與實驗屋實際空調運轉數據;本研究亦針對台大土木研究大樓、大坪林開發大樓、中央聯合辦公大樓南棟、內政部警察廣播電台及檔案管理局等五個能取得實際用電量或能提供其實際用電節能效益之公有建築案例進行eQUEST模擬,比對模擬耗電數據與實際運轉耗電量之差異,以了解建築耗能分析軟體用來模擬實際建築之準確性,並評估量化改善案例之建築能源效率提升效益,方可作為後續建築節能推廣應用之參考。


建築外殼 隔熱 遮陽 節能 建築耗能模擬


Reducing energy use for space cooling in buildings is a key measure to energy conservation and environmental protection in places having hot and humid weather, such as Taiwan. In this research, we use two identical experimental houses with the climate monitoring system to estimate the energy consumption of air-conditioning system with different building envelope strategies (the U-value of the overall wall and roof, the external and internal shading device, the air change rate, the window opening area ratio, etc.). We adopted the energy simulation free software eQUEST, which is based on the well- known DOE-2 program, to estimate the energy saving of different strategies. Actual building and operating data were fed to eQUEST to calculate the instantaneous electric consumption due to air conditioning. The comparison between measured and predicted electric consumption of two experimental houses is presented. In order to understand the accuracy of eQUEST used to simulate the actual building, we also chosen the Civil Engineering Research Building of NTU and four cases of Building energy efficiency upgrade program (BeeUP) to adopted eQUEST to estimate the enegy comsumption and the energy saving of different TAB strategies.


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