  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on Damages for Alienation of Affection: Focusing on the Quantification of Non-Pecuniary Damages

指導教授 : 黃詩淳


慰撫金係針對被害人所受之精神上痛苦等非財產上損害所為之金錢賠償;相較於損害數額明確之財產上損害,非財產上損害並未有客觀數值,就賠償數額之量定有其困難之處。實務上對於慰撫金數額之審酌標準為何,所採用之量定因素為何,各因素對於慰撫金數額又有何種程度之影響,實為值得探究之議題。本文以婚外情事件為例,就其中所涉及之離因損害與離婚損害慰撫金,以量化方法加以分析,釐清對於法院所量定之慰撫金數額存在顯著差異或影響之因素。 首先,本文整理慰撫金數額量定之相關學說理論,先釐清慰撫金之意義與制度功能,再探討於婚外情事件中所涉及之離因損害與離婚損害慰撫金,各自所應著重之主要功能,並歸納先前實務學說見解與實證研究發現之慰撫金數額量定因素。慰撫金係將精神上痛苦程度之社會價值判斷加以量化,同時具備多種功能;本文認為在婚外情相關之離因事件與離婚事件中,離因損害慰撫金與離婚損害慰撫金均應重視損害填補及慰撫功能,此外在民國109年司法院大法官作成釋字第791號解釋宣告通姦除罪化後,法院量定離因損害慰撫金時應酌以較高之數額,以貫徹憲法對於婚姻之制度性保障。由於離因損害與離婚損害慰撫金係本於同一基礎事實而生,慰撫金之主要功能亦有重合,於量定慰撫金數額時或有考量相同因素之可能,應注意避免雙重審酌而造成重複評價。 而後本文針對民國106年至108年間婚外情事件慰撫金請求之民事判決,進行量化統計分析與決策樹分析,從實然面探討婚外情事件中離因損害與離婚損害慰撫金數額之審酌標準與量定因素。就離因損害慰撫金之部分,本文藉由多元迴歸分析得出就離因損害慰撫金數額存在顯著影響之變項為通姦有無、逾越期間、結婚年數、原告學歷及請求金額,而在決策樹模型中作為節點之關鍵因素則有逾越期間、性交次數、結婚年數、婚外子女有無、請求金額、被告身分及判決法院;就離婚損害慰撫金之部分,由於樣本數過少,本文僅藉由敘述統計及變異數分析簡單探討,得出就離婚損害慰撫金數額存在顯著差異之變項為結婚年數及婚外子女之有無。就此分析結果,探討現行實務對於離因損害與離婚損害慰撫金數額之審酌標準與量定因素,是否有合乎離因損害與離婚損害慰撫金所欲強調與著重之功能。此外本文並藉由簡易之敘述統計及內容分析試探離因損害與離婚損害慰撫金二者數額間之關聯性,惟因同時請求且二者均受量定之事件過於稀少,故未能觀察出明顯之關聯趨勢。 基於上述之分析,本文省思現況並試圖建立婚外情事件中離因損害慰撫金與離婚損害慰撫金數額量定之客觀標準與預測模型,以供法官、律師、當事人及社會大眾作為參考,祈能有助於減輕司法人員負荷,加快審理程序以避免當事人長時間之煎熬,並使當事人得以預見判決結果,提升民眾對於司法之信賴。


Non-pecuniary damages do not have an objective value, so it is difficult to determine the amount of compensation. About the standards for measuring non-pecuniary damages, the factors used to determine the amount of damages, and how each factor affects the amount are all issues worthy of researching. This study analyzes the damages for alienation of affection, focus on the amount of damages determined by the court, in order to find out the standards or influential factors of determining. First, this study reviews the theories related to the quantification of non-pecuniary damages, clarifies the meaning and institutional functions, discusses the main functions of damages for alienation of affection, and summarizes the factors for quantifying the amount of damages found in previous doctrinal and empirical studies. In the author's opinion, damages for alienation of affection should focus on the function of damages filling and comforting. In addition, after the decriminalization of adultery by Judicial Yuan Interpretation No.791, the court should determine the amount of damages for alienation of affection at a higher amount in order to strengthen the constitutional protection of marriage. In Taiwan, damages for alienation of affection include the damages of article 184 and article 195 of Civil Code, and the damages of article 1056 of Civil Code. Since the two damages are based on the same torts and focus on the same functions of the non-pecuniary damages, a warning must be given that the same factors may be taken into consideration when determining the amount of compensation. Furthermore, this study targets damages for alienation of affection which determined by the civil district courts of Taiwan from 2017-2019, analyzes the amount by quantitative statistical analysis, in order to found the criteria and factors for determining the amount of damages for alienation of affection. In the section on the damages of article 184 and article 195 of Civil Code, this study analyzes the amount of damages by analysis of variance, multiple regression analysis, and decision tree analysis. The important factors found were adultery or not, the amount of adultery, the ongoing period of extramarital, the age of marriage, the presence of children outside of marriage, the education of plaintiff, the damages amount claimed by plaintiff, the identity of defendant, and which court that made the judgment. As for the damages of article 1056 of Civil Code, due to the small sample size, this study only analyzes the amount of damages by analysis of variance. The important factors found were the age of marriage and the presence of children outside of marriage. The results of the analysis showed that most of the factors used to determine the amount of damages for alienation of affection are corresponding to the function of damages filling and comforting. In addition, this study also attempts to explore the correlation between the amount of the damages of article 184 and article 195 of Civil Code, and the amount of the damages of article 1056 of Civil Code. However, there is no clear correlation trend can be observed due to the small sample size. Based on the above analysis, this study presents the current situation of the judgement which made by the civil district courts, summarizes the factors which are important to the amount of damages for alienation of affection. It is hoped that this will be helpful for stabling the amount of the damages for alienation of affection, speeding up the trial process, raising the foreseeability of judgments, and avoiding prolonged suffering for plaintiffs.


