  • 學位論文


A study on Strategy and Performance of OEM/ODM and OBM -Case of Networking Equipment Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林惠玲 陳正倉


臺灣的代工製造能力向來世界聞名,從早期的紡織、成衣、製鞋等傳統產業,到近期的晶圓、電腦、電子零組件等IT產業,我國廠商憑藉著優良的生產管理與技術,在全球製造供應鏈上佔有一席之地。1992年,施振榮提出「微笑曲線」觀點,指出企業惟有不斷往曲線兩端,附加價值高的的研發創新與品牌行銷移動與定位,才能持續發展與永續經營,對於企業由OEM/ODM轉型為OBM的研究課題也逐漸受到關注。 本研究即利用國內網路設備產業為例,經由複迴歸分析法探討廠商在代工與品牌不同的經營模式之下,整體經營績效的差異情形,研究期間自1998年至2007年,根據實證結果所獲致的主要結論如下: 一、產業結構與廠商行為皆會影響廠商的績效表現:其中廠商資產規模及營業收入成長率等市場特質變數為影響廠商績效的重要變數,而研究發展密度以及推銷費用密度等廠商行為變數,對於廠商獲利績效的影響則較為顯著。 二、品牌廠商的經營績效優於代工廠商:由各模型迴歸估計係數可得知,不論在資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率或是純益率,品牌廠商皆較代工廠商之獲利率顯著提高達18%以上。 三、研究發展與行銷推廣構成品牌廠商的核心競爭力:研究發展與行銷推廣為網路品牌廠商獲利與否的重要因素,因此品牌廠商如能將研發與行銷二者相結合,經由創新研發的思維推出領先趨勢的產品,再透過行銷通路推廣至市場,便能創造出品牌的最大獲利價值。 根據友訊科技個案研究則可得知,一個成功的品牌,最重要的是要有技術堅強的產品做後盾,此外產品定位與市場行銷能力也是致勝的關鍵。


Taiwan has been known and famous for its OEM (original equipment manufacturer) industry. By the excellent production management and technology, Taiwan gets the very important position in the global supply chains either for traditional industries such as textile and shoe production, or the modem IT industries such as wafer, computer, and electronic components. Mr. Shih, Stan (1992) proposed the Smile Curve concept and pointed out that the enterprises should move toward the both ends of the curve, which presents the high values added fields of R&D and marketing, to survive and develop forever. The subject for enterprises to transform the production process of OEM/ODM into OBM has been paid close attention gradually. In this study, the networking equipment industry is the main research sample. By the multiple regression analysis, the difference of operation performance is investigated in the strategy of OEM/ODM and OBM. The investigated period in this study is from 1998 to 2007. The main empirical results are shown as follows. 1. Both the industry structure and the firm behavior affect the firm performance:The firm’s asset scale and the growth rate of operating revenue are the important variables. The densities of R&D and marketing fee affect the performance of firms significantly to make profits. 2. The operating performances of OBM vendors are better than OEM/ODM vendors: The estimated coefficients in the regression model shows the profit rate for the OBM vendors is 18% more than the OEM/ODM vendors in ROA (Return on Assets), ROE (Return on Equity), or net profit margin. 3. R&D and the marketing strategy are the main factors whether the OBM vendors are able to make profits or not. Therefore, if the OBM vendors can combine the R&D and the marketing strategy, own the leading brands, and spread the products through the marketing channel, then the maximum values of brands would be created. The case of D-Link in our study shows that the most important factor of a successful brand is to create the strong-technology products. Besides, the product positioning and the marketing ability are the key factors also.




