  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 趙義隆


中文摘要 台灣資訊產業大多數以代工為主,代工的毛利持續縮水。相較於其它資訊產業,台灣發展網通品牌的成功案例較多,在產業特性及代工經驗的特殊背景下,台灣網通產業投入自有品牌的機會很大。本論文的研究目的為: 1. 探討台灣網通產業品牌成功的關鍵成功因素。 2. 品牌網通廠商差異化與競爭策略的選擇。 3. 台灣後進網通廠商品牌發展策略的建議。 本研究根據研究目地做個案研究及分析結果,推導出台灣網通廠商不僅適合推展品牌並結論出台灣網通廠商在品牌的關鍵成功因素。對後進網通業者欲發展品牌者提出以下具體建議。 1. 利用代工深耕技術,再拓展品牌。 2. 選擇新興市場切入並依策略選擇通路。 3. 選擇利基產品切入市場並持續創新。 品牌與代工的價值相差很大,因為製造基地退路有限,但品牌發展卻無國界限制,藉由對網通產業品牌的研究探討,本論文對其它資訊產業在思考品牌出路時提供以下參考: 1.完整的產業分析。 2.歸納出產業特性。 3.找出該產業成功的KSF。 4. 如果符合KSF,可參考本論文“網通廠商進入品牌市場”可行方案。 本論文中的品牌關鍵成功因素不僅適用於網通產業,對其它資訊產業在發展品牌的策略上應該也頗具參考價值,可作為檢驗是否適合發展品牌的標準之一。


網路通訊產業 代工


ABSTRACT The business model of Taiwan IT industry focuses more on OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) than OBM (Own Brandname Manufacturing) business model. Profit margin of OEM business is getting worse year after year. Comparing to other IT industries in Taiwan, Networking industry has successfully developed many companies focusing on OBM business model. With the special environment and the past OEM experiences in the Networking industry, OBM business model is a relatively successful model comparing to other IT industry in Taiwan. With the research objectives listed in this thesis, we analyzed the business environment of Networking industry and three individual cases which are all Taiwanese public companies focusing on OBM business model. The results are: 1. Taiwan is suitable for BOM business model in Networking industry. 2. We came out the KSF (Key Successful Factors) of Taiwanese Networking companies who has been very successful in OBM business model. With the above results in mind, we also give feasible steps for those companies willing to spend resources to get into OBM business model from their current OEM business model. The value of OBM is much more important than that of OEM in the value chain of IT industry. There will eventually be a limit to the “cost down” strategy used in OEM, while there is virtually no limit to the development of OBM business. We hope the OBM successful business model in Networking industry can be a good starting point for other IT industry to follow and reference so we can see more IT brand names from Taiwan IT industry.


Networking industry OEM


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黃芳卿(2009)。網路通訊產業運籌管理之關鍵績效指標 -模糊分析層級程序法之實證研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200900901
