  • 學位論文


Algorithm and Architecture Design of Hierarchical Temporal Memory for Visual Recognition Applications

指導教授 : 陳良基


大腦啟發運算旨在模仿人腦的運算法則,使電腦或矽晶片能夠達到人腦般的智慧與效率,以支援多樣的智慧處理。階層時間記憶(HTM)是一個模仿人腦新皮質結構及運算的機器學習演算法。在本論文中,我們將HTM應用於視覺辨識問題上,並透過實驗說明HTM能夠抵抗輸入影像中的雜訊及失真。我們以ASIC實現一高效率及高擴展性的HTM處理器,符合即時且低功耗的應用需求。HTM處理器的設計主要有兩項困難:其一,演算法當中涉及大量乘法及除法的運算,其二,模型的參數需要大量的儲存空間。我們使用對數數字系統來簡化計算,並提出一壓縮模型參數的方法大幅減少所須儲存的資料量(在實驗中的壓縮比為32)。我們所設計的HTM處理器透過最大化資料匯流排的利用率來達到高吞吐率。我們也提出具有高擴展性的「單一模型、多重影像」架構。我們使用TSMC 40nm製程實做HTM處理器晶片,其面積為3.63 mm2,每秒可辨識228個物件,處理速度為軟體執行速度的12倍。


Brain-inspired computing aims to mimic the computing methodology of the human brain in computers or silicon chips in order to achieve human-level intelligence and efficiency, and thus support a wide range of intelligent processing. Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) is a brain-inspired machine learning algorithm that mimics the structure and operation of human neocortex. In this thesis, we apply the HTM algorithm to visual recognition problems, and show that HTM is robust to noise and distortion in the input. We propose an ASIC implementation of HTM processor with high efficiency and scalability, suitable for real-time and low-power applications. There are two major challenges in designing an HTM processor: 1) the massive number of multiplications and divisions used in the algorithm and 2) the large parameter memory storage. We use the Logarithmic Number System (LNS) to simplify the computations, and propose a model compression method that greatly reduces the required storage (a compression ratio of 32 in the experiment). Our design achieves high throughput by maximizing bus utilization. We also propose the Single-Model, Multiple-Image (SMMI) architecture that has high scalability. Using TSMC 40nm technology, our final chip implementation of the HTM processor has an area of 3.63 mm2 and a throughput of 228 objects per second, a 12 times speedup compared with the software implementation.


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