  • 學位論文


The Study of Taiwan IT Distributors' International Strategy

指導教授 : 吳青松


本研究是以台灣資訊通路產業及其國際化策略為主要研究重心。台灣資訊通路產業近年來隨著國內資訊產業的成長而快速發展,但因國內的市場腹地狹小,競爭激烈,加上產品汰舊換新的速度相當快,已造成業者成長上的瓶頸。所以相關業者無不積極尋找有效對策,以求突破困境,其中往海外發展,即進行企業國際化,就是業者尋求生存發展所採行的重要策略。 本論文計分為五大部分,首先介紹行銷通路的定義與角色,並研究國際化的相關理論,包括國際化的動機、進入模式與策略,以及資源基礎理論等,然後探討台灣資訊通路產業發展歷程與目前概況,再對於個案公司包括聯強國際、上奇科技、精技電腦與展?眥篕痤奶膝q,進行個案介紹與分析。最後歸納本研究的結論與建議。 由本研究結果顯示:公司是否能夠有效發揮本身的資源能力與展現企業競爭優勢,相當程度影響企業國際化的成敗;而台灣資訊通路商進行國際化的成果,對企業經營績效將產生顯著影響。


The major studies in this thesis are Taiwan IT distributors and their international strategy. Taiwan IT distributors swiftly developed along with the growth of IT industry in Taiwan. Because of Taiwan’s limited market capacity and the sharply downtrend for the price of IT products, which enhanced the market competition and formed the bottleneck of the growth in the industry, the distributors in Taiwan were forced to figure out any strategies to break through this tight corner. To expand their business overseas or to do cross-border/ international business became the critical strategy for the survival and further growth of Taiwan IT distributors. There are five major parts in the thesis. First part is to introduce the definition and function of market channel. Second is to study the concepts of internationalization including the intention, entry models and strategy of internationalization. Third is to describe the development and current situation of Taiwan IT distributors. Furthermore, it is to introduce and analyze the cases including Synnex, Grandtech, Unitech and Weblink for their international history and strategy. Finally, it will come out the conclusion and make some suggestions about the internationalization for the companies. To summarize some key points from the thesis as followings: the effective demonstration of the exceptional capability and competitive advantage of the companies will have a great influence on the success of their business in abroad, and the results of internationalization of Taiwan IT distributors will have apparent impact on their financial performance.


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