  • 學位論文


The New Regulation in the Era of Climate Change: A Perspective of Emerging Global Administrative Law

指導教授 : 葉俊榮


本文嘗試從宏觀的角度重新思考氣候變遷時代下的管制需求,並以向來將重心置於內國管制問題的行政法作為探討對象,關心其如何因應氣候變遷時代下的大規模、大尺度、跨國境、多元化議題。本文先觀察氣候變遷議題的管制現況,並分析其管制趨勢,包括多元的管制主體與態樣、多源的管制權限與動能,繼而發現既有行政法思維已無法完善因應相關的管制需求,故需要發展出新的思考方向,而全球行政法的浮現,則提供一可能的發展途徑,接著介紹評析此一新興概念,並在最後討論全球行政法能夠為氣候變遷的管制議題帶來那些啟示。 結論上,本文認為全球行政法在氣候變遷時代下所帶來的新管制思維,展現於以下四項層面:一、發展趨勢的觀察與思考角度的拓展。氣候變遷時代下,為減緩暖化效應的全球相關因應,已從政治學上全球治理的描述,慢慢擴散進入管制現象的觀察與歸納,並將治理活動的特色引入管制的內涵當中,也進一步影響全球行政空間的型塑;二、分析架構的提出,以公私分際的模糊、以及內國與國際區分的突破兩項認知作為重要基礎。全球行政法的建構,便係著眼於全球管制活動的蓬勃,而全球行政空間的形成也象徵各項管制權限的行使主體更多元、權限來源與行使態樣也更彈性,氣候變遷的各種全球管制實際也反映出此一現象,因而全球行政法理論所嘗試建立的分類與研究途徑,亦可為氣候變遷的全球管制提供整體的分析架構;三、管制思維的調整,包括管制主體的多元、管制場域的重疊、管制權限的多源、管制方式的靈活。氣候變遷的管制主體、場域、方式本即呈現出多樣化、彈性化的趨勢,而全球行政法所重視的管制權限行使觀點切入,便能將此些性質聯繫起來,以作為考量規範內涵與調整管制思維的基礎;四、制度因應的指示,表現於組織建制、程序設計、以及責任機制三方面。此係全球行政法研究較為具體的面向,其將內國行政法已發展出的管制模式、政策工具與規範需求引進全球行政空間中,而以程序理性為最重要的制度性指示。   此外,本文亦嘗試於分析氣候變遷時代的全球行政法發展時,納入臺灣的在地觀點,而將此處的討論與臺灣行政法的現況作一連結,並藉此突顯出臺灣於此議題可以發揮的潛能及角色。


Worldwide growth of public concern for climate change or global warming has been one of the most important developments in recent decades. The dynamics of globalization has also brought about new problems of regulatory reform across the fields of governance, regulation and law. The issue of climate change increasingly transcends national borders and time period so that traditional legal systems and theories are unable to address it successfully. Not only domestic law reforms but also transnational collaborations are in great need. The development of more effective regulatory policies and legal systems throughout the world has thus become critical. This thesis discusses how global administrative law-a new regulatory concept which originates from the studies of global governance and administrative law-functions in the context of global climate regulation. Through reviewing contemporary global climate regulatory regimes and analyzing their characteristics, the author then tries to connect the operation of global climate regulation and the study of emerging global administrative law. In opposition to traditional administrative law, global administrative law-which is under constituting though-appears to be a key conceptual framework as well as deliberative forum for the studies of global regulation in the issue of climate change. The author argues that, from the perspective of regulation, the emerging global administrative law would articulate a global discursive space where multi-layered actors participate and collaborate with one another in the global climate regulatory system. In the other way, because of Taiwan’s special status in the international society, the author believes that it is valuable to discuss the roles Taiwan plays in the triangular relationship between globalization, global warming, and global administrative law. This thesis finishes with a few words about how the global climate regulatory and legal studies could be benefit from the development of global administrative law in the following ways: from governance to regulation, from dualism to diversity, from formality to flexibility, and from delegation to accountability.




