  • 學位論文


A Political-Economic Analysis of Local Public Finance and Economic Growth in Taiwan:1991-2003

指導教授 : 李顯峰


我國於民國87年進行簡化政府層級的精省工程,並於民國88年1月25日公佈施行地方制度法使我國地方自治邁入新的里程,然而地方自治的發展,卻造成地方財政快速惡化。雖然財政收支劃分法於民國88年修正公布以後,有助於提高地方政府的財政收入,然而縣(市)政府淨支出快速擴張,在相對財政收入增加有限的情形下,地方政府仍然面臨鉅額的赤字困難,對地方經濟的發展造成嚴重的影響。 地方財政惡化的問題,可以從縣(市)政府財政收入面與支出面,分別加以探討;就收入面而言,迄今文獻研究多以中央與地方財政分權為主要討論對象,例如中央統籌分配稅款合理分配公式的研究等。此外在地方財政與經濟發展關係的相關文獻探討中,多採取地方財政收支、產業結構等經濟變數,作為解釋地方經濟成長的工具。對於地方政治勢力介入公共決策,或主導地方公共政策的現象未能有效加以解釋,因此本文擬結合地方政治因素,探討我國地方財政政策決策過程,以及地方公共支出對地方經濟成長的影響,希望能釐清造成地方支出無度擴張的主因,作為改善地方財政的參考,以促進地方經濟發展。 本文選擇內生成長理論模型為主要實證研究基礎,並參考Helms(1985)地方成長模型,將各項變數配合台灣地方財政的沿革與現狀進行適度修正,採用台灣地區民國八十年至民國九十三年共計十四年、二十一縣市財政收支、縣市個人已分配要素所得、人力資本等橫斷面與時間序列合併資料(panel data)分析方法,建立實證模型進行分析,探討台灣地區地方財政與經濟成長之政治與經濟關係。 本實證結果發現: (1)地方政府財政政策決策過程符合漸增預算之特性。 (2)資本累積、勞動者教育程度、地方政府財政支出與與地方經濟成長具有顯著相關性。 關鍵字:地方經濟成長、橫斷面與時間序列資料、內生成長理論、漸增預算。


A Political-Economic Analysis of Local Public Finance and Economic Growth In Taiwan:1991-2003 Abstract After the reduction of the government’s levels in 1999, the subnational government in Taiwan has been entering a brand new era. However, the subnational governments revealed a serious budget deficit which made a great impact on their finance. Most empirical studies took the subnational government finance as the main explanatory factor that affected local economic growth, and population structure, human capital, financial revenues/expenditures, and industrial structure etc. were included as independent variables. This study based on the endogenous growth theory ,however, considers all the possible factors, including the political factors, and adopts the panel data model, which employ the data fo Taiwan’s 23 counties/cities for the year 1991-2003, to investigate the process of the subnational government’s financial decision-making, and relationship between difference expenditure and economic growth. Our major finding is that the process of the subnational government’s financial decision-making tallies with the incremental-budgeting. Secondly, the fixed capital, human capital, and the financial expenditure etc. have significantly contributed to local economic growth in our sample period. Keywords: local economic growth, panel data, endogenous growth theory, incremental-budgeting.


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