  • 學位論文


A Study on the Semiconductor Test Equipment Industry and Entry Strategies for New Entrants in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃崇興
共同指導教授 : 李吉仁


半導體產業最早在50年代由美國開始發展,隨後其製造的重心移到日本,接著到韓國、台灣,而目前中國大陸興起,以及隨後各方看好印度的發展潛力。在這個產業的發展過程中我們可以發現,美國及日本甚至韓國在過程中發展出了強壯的相關設備產業,而台灣在設備方面則幾乎呈現空白,也就是整個半導體產業仍然是以代工為主體。然而,隨著半導體製造的重心逐漸往中國大陸移動,台灣的半導體產業將逐漸出現空洞。反觀美國及日本,因這兩國家具備紮實的設備產業,所以當半導體製造移到其他國家的過程發生時,其仍可依賴設備的出口而獲得相當的利益。由上可知,設備產業的發展攸關一個國家在半導體產業的長期發展,而且關係到一個國家可否往價值鏈的更上游發展、創造更大的利潤及投資報酬。同樣的議題也會出現在兩兆雙星計劃的另一兆--光電產業。 本論文將討論重點放在半導體自動化測試設備,並將焦點聚集在非記憶體類的測試設備。內容首先對我們要研究的議題的動機、目的及方法做一簡介,然後我們簡單的複習我們將使用的一些相關的學術理論,接著我們針對半導體測試設備的產業特性做一整體的介紹,之後我們將以相關的學術理論為基礎來分析半導體自動測試設備產業,並對新進的台灣廠商提出建議的策略藍圖(strategy roadmap)以及相對應的發展策略。我們討論的範疇將會及於全球市場而不局限在台灣或中國大陸市場。 我們運用到Porter的鑽石模型分析以及其五力分析並將其延伸到六力分析、另外我們也將套用Bovet的價值綱(Value Net)模型,此外SWOT分析、商業活動系統(Activity System)、商業模式(Business Model)等也將被運用。 台灣廠商在發展半導體自動測試設備的主要問題在於技術的落後、缺乏世界級領先的顧客、人才的來源不足、以及建立全球行銷技術支援架構的障礙,然而台灣有強大的代工(晶圓、封裝、測試)的基礎,而且是全球第二大無晶圓IC廠(fabless)的基地。台灣廠商應該善用自己的優勢且避開自己的弱點走出自己的一條獨特的路。 本論文的結論建議台灣半導體自動測試設備的新進廠商應該掌握這個產業走向開放式架構的不連續性(discontinuity)的機會,先定位在提供模組(module),以此進入市場特別是全球最頂級的顧客群並藉此建立在此業界的信譽,下一步再提升定位到整機設備的設計與製造。 關鍵字:半導體測試、自動化測試設備、開放式架構、價值網


The semiconductor industry was originated in USA back in 1960’s. Later on the manufacturing moved to Japan then to Korea and Taiwan. Now there is an emerging China and many people are talking about promising India. During the migration process, USA, Japan, and even Korea have successfully developed associated equipment industries. In contrast, Taiwan has done very little in equipment development. That is, the semiconductor industry in Taiwan is still concentrated on OEM i.e. wafer foundries, assembly services, and test services. However, along with the move of semiconductor manufacturing from Taiwan to China, Taiwan’s position will sooner or later be replaced. Viewing USA and Japan, these countries have developed solid semiconductor equipment industry therefore when semiconductor manufacturing went off-shore, they still enjoy good return from selling equipments. Effectively, they pushed less valued manufacturing to other countries and keep high valued equipment business. From the story described above, we realized that equipment development is critical to a country’s long-term development in semiconductor industry. Similar things will be happening to the flat panel display (FDP) industry which, together with the semiconductor industry, is named “Twin Trillion” of Taiwan’s national development project. This research will discuss about automated test equipments (ATE) industry with a focus on non-memory test. We will firstly specify the motivation and the purpose of this research, also methodologies we will apply for this research. We then will review the academic theories and models we are going to employ to guide this research. The nature and the characteristics of the semiconductor test equipment industry will be introduced then an analysis will be conducted. At the end, we will make strategy suggestions for semiconductor test equipment new entrants in Taiwan. The scope of the research will not be limited to Taiwan and China markets. In fact, we want extend our scope to the global market. The competitive disadvantages of Taiwan in this industry include lag behind technology, no leading-edge customer, short of engineer resource, and the barrier to build a global sales and service infrastructure. However, Taiwan has a very solid semiconductor manufacturing infrastructure and is the second biggest fabless base in the world. These should be able to support the industry development by capitalizing its strength and avoiding its weakness. This research suggests that Taiwan ATE makers should capitalize the discontinuity of open architecture and initially position themselves as a module supplier. By doing so, they start to engage leading edge customers then they will have a better position to become a system solution provider in the long term. Key Words: Semiconductor Test, Automated Test Equipment, Open Architecture, Value Net.


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