  • 學位論文


Optimal Pricing when Considering the Membership Discount and Membership Fee

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋


在零售市場中,由於不斷有大型連鎖零售商加入,造成零售業競爭上升;另外消費者在消費過程中不斷被教育,加上收集資訊成本降低,因此消費者慣於在不同零售商間進行比價,或是將消費期間延後到促銷期間在行購買,使得零售商較難建立與消費者的忠誠關係。因此零售商開始思考,當產品低價已經成為競爭下的基本條件,要如何建立消費者的忠誠度。在這樣的想法下,會員制度漸漸受到零售商的注意。會員制度建立雙贏的局面,零售商透過會員制度培養顧客忠誠度;而消費者繳交一筆會員費,享受消費時特定的會員折扣。因此在會員制度下,零售商面對上百種的商品,除了必須決定商品價格,更同時要決定繳交的會員費與會員享受的商品折扣。 我們建立一收益管理模型,來討論零售商定價策略與消費者消費策略,同時決定會員折扣與會員費。我們發現對零售商來講,零售商實施會員制度之最大目的是希望消費人數可以增加,希望藉由會員制度創造更多利潤,所以將會員代價決定在低保留價格客群之保留價格,加入會員之人數增加。而當高保留價格客群之比例上升時,零售商會由誘因將會員代價提高,只要零售商認為提高會員代價獲取之高保留價格客群之利潤,可以彌補因提高會員代價所喪失之低保留價格客群之利潤,零售商就會提高會員代價。然後將第二期商品之會員價格調降,使高保留價格客群依然有誘因加入會員。


In the retail market, customers are accustomed to compare price between different retailers, so it is hard for retailers to construct relationship with the customers. Under this situation, retailers start to pay attention to the membership program. Under the membership program, retailers would construct loyal with customers and customers would enjoy the membership discount by paying membership fee. It is a win-win situation between retailers and customers. In order to maximize their revenue, retailers have to decide the product price, membership discount and membership fee. For the customers, their decisions are to buy the product or not and join the membership program or not in order to maximize their surplus. We build up a revenue management model that can be applied to analyze the retailer`s price decision and the customer`s consumption strategy, as well as how to decide the membership discount and the membership fee. We characterize the retailer`s revenue as a function of membership fee and membership discount. We find that retailers would obtain more profit when retailers focus on the low reservation price group. When the proportion of high reservation price group increases, retailers would adjust its strategy to concentrate on the high reservation group.


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