  • 學位論文


Integrated Marketing Practice as an Innovative Business Model: Example from A Portable Projector Brand N

指導教授 : 陳家麟


本研究採用單一個案做為研究方法,以微型投影機品牌N作為研究對象。初始以美國市場作為目標的品牌N,以其創新的整合行銷手段,在短時間內迅速在微投品牌中成為市佔率領先者。微型投影機市場預估在2023年達到$5,002百萬美元的產值,並持續擴增中。傳統家用投影機品牌、亦或是新興微投品牌均以自身優勢佈局擴增市場的商業策略。微投品牌N為A公司的子品牌,A公司自2011年創始,以充電產品起家,在美國龍頭電商通路販售,後再切分智能創新類產品線、無限音頻類產品線,產品上市初始即迅速累積聲量,及通過用戶評價迅速改良產品,於2020年於深證交易所正式掛牌上市。其旗下微投品牌N亦藉其創新的行銷手法,於2021年在美國龍頭電商擁有超過10%市佔,並在其品類中排名第一。本研究通透過波特五力分析(Porter 5 Force Analysis)、4P行銷分析(4P Analysis) 等洞悉品牌N於市場上的優劣勢,並驗證其創新行銷方法帶來實質助益。同時透過問卷分析,解析消費者行為,最後以新的商業模式圖(Business Model Canvas)作為品牌N未來的行銷建議。希望此個案研究不僅作為品牌N的分析參考,亦可助益競品做出更多創新決策。


This research is a case study focusing on a portable brand N which uses integrated marketing practice as an innovative business model to expand the market in the projector industry. The global portable projector market size is expected to reach $5,002 million by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 31.1% during the forecast period 2017–2023. Not only are traditional projector brands enlarging their product offerings to aim for higher market share, but many new growing brands are also increasing the market sizes by offering low-price products. In this case study, Porter's Five Forces Analysis and Marketing Mix will be used to look into Brand N’s existing business environment and advantages in the portable projector industry. A questionnaire survey will also be conducted to understand the target consumers’ insights and behaviors to devise an effective branding strategy for Brand N. In the last part, Business Model Canvas will be re-designed and elaborated for Brand N’s future recommendations.


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