  • 學位論文


Blockchain Technology Application In Art Trading Platform

指導教授 : 湯明哲


區塊鏈作為一項全新的網絡技術,正在向各個商業領域滲透。本論文對區塊鏈的理論技術做了基本研究,並且運用平臺策略和產業競爭分析的理論,來探討區塊鏈在各行各業的應用模式和績效。其中,本文討論區塊鏈在商業市場的兩大應用案例:線上音樂產業(以Stem.is為例)與物流產業(以Maersk & IBM為例),分別從各自的產業競爭環境切入,評估區塊鏈技術應用的成效和風險。 在討論完區塊鏈目前的實際應用案例后,本文提出區塊鏈技術在藝術品市場的應用設想,主要針對高端實體藝術品的拍賣和交易市場。在分析藝術品交易產業背景后,本文闡述了設想的平臺商業模式、鑒定技術和法律規範,并分析其建立在區塊鏈技術上解決產業內部矛盾的可行性和風險。 目前已有許多領域的多家企業在利用區塊鏈的獨特特征來解決產業內的矛盾,然而其應用和發展尚在探索階段。本文試圖結合傳統產業分析的框架和新興平臺商業模式,來探討區塊鏈在不同產業的應用和表現,希望能夠對企業決策者的新產業應用創想有所啟發和幫助。


As a new network technology, blockchain is infiltrating into various business areas. This thesis intends to conduct a general research on blockchain and then utilizes the theory of Platform Strategy and Industry & Competitive Analysis to explore two cases of applying blockchain in businesses: Online Music Industry (taking Stem.is as an example) and Logistics Industry (taking Maersk & IBM as an example). Respectively, we will first discuss industry competitive environment and then focus on the effectiveness and risks of blockchain technology applications. After the practical cases, this thesis proposes the application of blockchain technology in the art market, mainly targeting the auction and trading market of high-end physical artistic works. Initially, the background of the art trading industry is introduced, then the envisaged platform business model, identification technology and legal norms are expounded. Finally, the paper conducts the research on the feasibility and risks of applying the blockchain technology to solve the internal contradictions in the industry. Nowadays many companies in different fields are taking advantage of the unique characteristics of the blockchain to solve the problems within the industry. However, its application and development are still in the exploratory stage. This thesis synthesizes industry analysis and platform business models to form a new application of blockchain. Conclusions drawn from this thesis, hopefully, can help entrepreneurs to form blockchain based new applications and business models.


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