  • 學位論文


The Panorama of Ponds City-With multi-perspectives, reviewing the situation of pond-canal landscapes under the trend of urban development in contemporary Taoyuan.

指導教授 : 康旻杰


本研究試圖透過不同尺度視角更全面地理解擴及全桃園沖積扇之埤塘與水圳地景,並且從當代桃園都市劇烈蔓延的脈絡下理解埤圳地景所面臨的衝突情景。   隨著觀看埤圳地景之視角,由高空俯視至人體日常之所見來回變換,所能觀察的地景樣態以及潛藏其中的社群與人地關係皆不盡相同。由區域尺度的視角所見,經先民打造而遍布桃園沖積扇的埤圳地景,與整體自然地理條件相關之外,從歷史發展的進程觀之,則與邊區防禦與族群拓墾的歷程密切相關。廣布全桃的壯闊景緻因為國家水利現代化乃至近年臺灣的產業結構轉型,迫使桃園納入北部區域發展的計畫中,埤圳地景因為社經條件改變而消失。甚至,當代國土計畫之藍圖卻依然遵循過去以台北為核心、為服務工業、交通等要素形塑而成的都市發展基礎,空間規劃中未見積極保存埤圳地景之企圖。 城鄉尺度視角部分,則試圖重新檢視制度化的都市計畫如何瓦解結合農村文化、特有聚落型態與蘊含農漁生產之埤圳地景,並且進一步透過既有的都市計畫手法將其公園化,成為如同全台都市空間中平乏無奇的鄰里公園。後段,筆者於中壢後寮地區進行田野觀察。此地依然與百年前相去不遠的埤圳地景紋理,卻因為位於都市邊緣正面臨都市計畫開發的壓力。藉由田野觀察發現此地仍充滿活絡的自發性農業活動。除外,加上沿海地區蓬勃的埤塘漁業養殖等生產性活動,都已給予城市發展如何與埤圳地景共存相當明確之提醒。   在中壢後寮的實地觀察中,發現地景中人與埤圳的互動關係仍如同文獻中清代農村時期水利社群與土地互動之狀態。然而,當前制度化都市計畫開發對於既有紋理的持續破壞,人與埤圳關係將難以再現。另一方面,埤圳地景儼然成為桃園市政府所力推之在地文化象徵。長年以埤圳地景為題辦理的地景藝術節,淪為形式操作之作品遠遠背離地景藝術所能處理之議題與可能。筆者以真實行動介入中壢後寮,有意識地透過與地景藝術節相異之路徑擾動地方,期待隨著行動開展能影響未來發生於桃園的都市計畫。 最終,基於通篇研究給予更多尊重埤圳地景的城市發展想像與提議。


This research will present an overview of pond-canal landscape in Taoyuan City, from different scales and in light of varied socio-geographical aspects. It aims to provide an understanding of the conflicting circumstances the city is facing, within the context of its present rapid expansion. The topography and its relationship with society varied from different viewing aspects of pond-canal landscape. To see it from a regional perspective, the proliferation of ponds and canals could be seen as a result of natural topographical conditions in Taoyuan. Historically, it was intertwined with the development of the ethnocultural demarcation of land and agricultural use - deriving from the conflicts between indigenous and Han Chinese. Taoyuan has been implicated in the regional development of Northern Taiwan, and the subsequent shift in socioeconomic conditions derived from the modernisation of governmental water resource management and the transformation of industrial structure has led to the disappearance of pond-canal landscape. National spatial planning for Taoyuan has continuously focused on a Taipei-centric pattern of development, especially prioritising industrial growth and the construction of transportation infrastructure. As such, it has failed to actively attempt to preserve pond-canal landscape. From an urban-rural perspective, this research will review the ways in which regional planning has resulted in the erosion of rural culture, community specificity, and the ponds and canals that nurture agricultural and fishery production. The current urban planning paradigm is also discussed, noting the proclivity to transform existing landscapes into insignificant neighborhood parks throughout Taiwan’s cities. Despite confronting the pressures of urban development stemming from the area’s location on the frontier of Taiwan’s Northern region, the conditions of the land remain similar to a hundred years ago. Through field research in Houliao, Zhongli, agricultural, fishery and aquaculture activities of the region are examined, the significance of which providing an argument to improve environmental protections with consideration of local communities, and for regional planning to better coexist with the pond-canal landscape. The field research revealed the interaction between local populations and the pond-canal landscape from the community relations aspect, showing the landscape has largely remained unchanged from the Qing period to the present. However, continuous damage caused by institutional urban planning practice led by the government presents an obstacle to the future maintenance of this synergy. In terms of cultural development, the pond-canal landscape has become an icon, symbolically promoted by the city government, and has even been the theme of a number of land art festivals. Despite the city government’s engagement of artistic and cultural practitioners, there has been limited discussion of practical local issues within the arts, and few attempts at practical action to preserve the pond-canal landscape. With the attempt of engaging with local residents in Houliao through actions, this study seeks to outline an alternative pathway to include artistic and cultural practitioners, and local communities, in future planning practice. Accordingly, this research proposes renewed possibilities for urban development with respect to the existing pond-canal landscape.


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