  • 學位論文


Effects of Cooking Oil Fumes on Oxidative Stress and Cardiovascular Effects in Restaurant Workers

指導教授 : 詹長權


在高溫處理食物過程:包括油煎、油炒與油炸等過程會產生烹飪油煙,烹飪油煙會導致職業與環境衛生問題,流行病學研究顯示暴露烹飪油煙會導致人體呼吸道疾病、細胞毒性、基因毒性、肺癌、膀胱癌、子宮頸癌等之健康危害。有許多研究指出大氣中的懸浮微粒會影響人體心血管自律神經之作用,但很少有職業性懸浮微粒的暴露對人體心血管自律神經影響之研究;而對懸浮微粒與人體氧化傷害之研究則更少;由於懸浮微粒與多環芳香族碳氫化合物為烹飪油煙中的重要成份,但職業性烹飪油煙暴露對人體心血管疾病與氧化傷害之影響在國內外之文獻未有明確之探討與定論,尤其餐飲業員工職業性地暴露烹飪油煙,因此評估烹飪油煙中的懸浮微粒與多環芳香族碳氫化合物對餐飲業員工心血管自律神經影響與氧化傷害極為重要。 本研究之研究方法以橫斷研究法、個案小組研究法、與工程控制研究方法執行研究,第1個橫斷研究針對288位餐飲業員工:包括171位廚房工作人員與117位外場服務人員,廚房與用餐區之空氣中粒狀多環芳香族碳氫化合物,連續採集兩個工作天,且每個工作天採集12個小時後,以高效能液相層析儀測定分析。以尿液中1-羥基焦腦油作為烹飪油煙的內在劑量暴露指標,並以尿液中丙二醛作為氧化傷害指標。在統計方面以多變項線性迴歸評估分析尿液中丙二醛與1-羥基焦腦油之相關性。結果顯示廚房中總粒狀多環芳香族碳氫化合物濃度之中位數為23.9 ng/m3,顯著高於用餐區濃度之中位數:4.9 ng/m3。沒有抽菸習慣之廚房工作人員的尿液中丙二醛與1-羥基焦腦油濃度分別為344.2±243.7μmol/mol creatinine 與6.0 ± 8.0 μmol/mol creatinine,皆顯著高於外場工作人員:244.2± 164.4 μmol/mol creatinine 與2.4± 4.3 μmol/mol creatinine;而且尿液中丙二醛濃度與1-羥基焦腦油濃度(p<0.001)及每天工作小時數(p<0.05)成顯著正相關。餐飲業員工尿液中1-羥基焦腦油與丙二醛濃度反應了職業性暴露多環芳香族碳氫化合物對氧化傷害的影響,即職業性暴露多環芳香族碳氫化合物的濃度愈高,氧化傷害愈大。 第2個橫斷研究評估中式餐廳員工暴露於烹飪油煙對去氧核醣核酸氧化傷害的影響,研究對象為387位沒有抽菸習慣的23家中式餐廳員工:包括202位廚房工作人員與185位外場服務人員,並偵測廚房與用餐區之空氣中懸浮微粒與粒狀多環芳香族碳氫化合物;而以尿液中1-羥基焦腦油作為烹飪油煙的內在劑量暴露指標,並以尿液8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘作為DNA氧化傷害指標;以線性混合效應迴歸模式評估員工之尿液中8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘與1-羥基焦腦油的相關性。研究結果顯示:廚房空氣中之懸浮微粒與粒狀多環芳香族碳氫化合物濃度接顯著高於用餐區;廚房工作人員之尿液中8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘 (7.9 μg/g creatinine)與1-羥基焦腦油 (4.5 μg/g creatinine)幾何平均濃度皆顯著高於外場服務人員(8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘幾何平均濃度:5.4 μg/g creatinine與1-羥基焦腦油幾何平均濃度:2.7 μg/g creatinine)。在調整其他變項因子後,尿液中1-羥基焦腦油濃度、廚房工作、性別、每天工作時數為尿液中8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘濃度的四個顯著影響因子,女性餐飲業員工的尿液中8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘濃度顯著高於男性餐飲業員工,餐飲業員工的去氧核醣核酸之氧化傷害與烹飪油煙暴露顯著相關,女性餐飲業員工的氧化傷害高於男性餐飲業員工,提供了中國婦女之暴露烹飪油煙與肺癌相關的額外證據。 在個案小組研究針對中式餐廳54位廚師評估暴露烹飪油煙懸浮微粒對心跳速率變異性與氧化傷害之影響,以線性混合效應迴歸模式評估懸浮微粒對心跳速率變異性的影響;並收集受測者上工前與下工後之尿液,以分析8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘與丙二醛濃度;研究結果顯示:暴露烹飪油煙中的懸浮微粒15分鐘到2小時的時間範圍,會導致心跳速率變異性降低與心跳速率增加。在暴露烹飪油煙後會導致廚師尿液中8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘濃度在下工後顯著提高;烹飪油煙中的benzo(k)fluoranthene 與benzo(a)pyrene 濃度與廚師在下工後與上工前尿液中8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘之改變濃度呈顯著正相關。烹飪油煙對心跳速率變異性的效應與尿液中8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘之濃度改變無顯著關連性。上工前尿液中8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘濃度高的廚師之懸浮微粒對心血管自律神經影響與8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘濃度低的廚師無顯著差異。 針對廚師抱怨過度暴露烹飪油煙的六家中式餐廳進行工程改善,在裝設氣簾設備進行烹飪油煙工程改善前6家中式餐廳廚房在空氣中懸浮微粒PM10,PM2.5,PM1..0,與總多環芳香族碳氫化合物的幾何平均濃度分別為131.4 μg/m3,90.6 μg/m3,65.7 μg/m3,與24.2 ng/m3;在烹飪油煙工程改善後6家中式餐廳廚房在空氣中懸浮微粒PM10,PM2.5,PM1.0,與總多環芳香族碳氫化合物的平均濃度分別為44.9 μg/m3,37.0μg/m3,29.1 μg/m3,與 5.9 ng/m3;尿液中8-羥基-2-去氧鳥嘌呤核甘及丙二醛濃度分別與多環芳香族碳氫化合物benzo(a)pyrene及 benzo(k)fluroranthene分別呈顯著正相關。因此,裝設氣簾設備可經濟有效地降低廚房工作人員暴露於懸烹飪油煙中懸浮微粒與多環芳香族碳氫化合物的風險。


Cooking oil fumes (COFs) are created and released into the environment when food is fried, stir-fried or grilled using cooking oil at high temperatures. Notably, COFs may cause occupational and environmental health problems such as respiratory diseases, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, lung cancer, bladder cancer, and cervical intraepithelial neoplasm. Many epidemiological studies have identified various cardiovascular autonomic responses to ambient particulate matter (PM) pollution; however, few have reported such responses to occupational PM exposure, and even fewer studies have demonstrated a relationship between PM pollution and oxidative stress in humans. Particulate matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are two important components of COFs Therefore, evaluating associations between PM and PAHs in COFs and cardiovascular autonomic and oxidative stress responses is important. This study applied cross-sectional studies, a panel study and an engineering control study to evaluate the effects of PM and PAHs on oxidative stress and heart rat variability (HRV) in Chinese restaurant workers. In the first cross-sectional study, study subjects were 288 male restaurant workers—171 kitchen staff and 117 service staff—in Chinese restaurants in Taiwan. Airborne particulate PAHs were monitored in kitchens and dining areas for two consecutive workdays over a 12-hour period on each workday, and identified via HPLC chromatograph. Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) was used to provide internal COFsexposure, and urinary malondialdehyde (MDA) was adopted as an oxidative stress marker. Multiple regression models were used to assess the relationship between MDA and 1-OHP levels after adjusting for key personal covariates. Summed particulate PAH levels in kitchens (median: 23.9 ng/m3) were significantly higher than those in dining areas (median: 4.9 ng/m3). For non-smoking kitchen staff, mean MDA and 1-OHP levels were 344.2 ± 243.7 μmol/mol creatinine and 6.0 ± 8.0 μmol/mol creatinine, respectively. These levels were significantly higher than those for non-smoking service staff (244.2 ±164.4 μmol/mol creatinine and 2.4±4.3μmol/mol creatinine, respectively). Worker urinary 1-OHP levels were significantly associated with work in kitchens (p<0.05). Furthermore, worker urinary MDA levels were significantly associated with urinary 1-OHP levels (p<0.001) and work hours per day (p<0.05). This study found that urinary 1-OHP and MDA levels reflect occupational exposure to PAHs from COFs and oxidative stress in male Chinese restaurant workers. The second cross-sectional study evaluated oxidative DNA damage in workers exposed to COFs in Chinese restaurants. Study participants were 387 non-smoking Chinese restaurant workers (CRWs)—202 kitchen staff and 185 service staff —at 23 Chinese restaurants in Taiwan. Airborne PM and PAHs levels were measured in kitchens and dining areas. Urinary 1-OHP was used as measure of internal exposure to COFs, and urinary 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) was used as a marker of oxidative DNA damage. The relationship between worker 8-OHdG and 1-OHP levels was estimated using linearmixed-effects models. Airborne PM and PAHs levels in kitchens significantly exceeded those in dining areas. The geometric mean levels of urinary 8-OHdG (7.9 μg/g creatinine) and 1-OHP (4.5 μg/g creatinine) of kitchen staff were significantly higher than those of service staff, which were 5.4 and 2.7μg/g creatinine, respectively. The urinary 1-OHP level, work in kitchens, gender, and work hours per day were significant predictors of urinary 8-OHdG levels after adjusting for covariates. Oxidative DNA damage was associated with CRW exposure to COFs. Female workers had a greater oxidative stress response to COFs than male workers, providing additional evidence of the link between lung cancer in Chinese women and exposure to COFs. A panel study evaluated the association between occupational exposure to PM in COFs, and changes in HRV and oxidative stress responses in 54 male Chinese cooks. Linear mixed-effect regression models were adopted to estimate the strength of the correlation between PM and HRV. Pre- and post-work urine samples were analyzed for urinary 8-OHdG and MDA. Multiple linear regression models were then used to study the effect of particulate PAHs and PM on urinary 8-OHdG and MDA levels. Exposure to PM in COFs from 15 minutes to 2 hours was associated with decreased HRV and increased heart rate among cooks. The urinary 8-OHdG levels of cooks were significantly elevated after workshift exposure to COFs. The levels of particulate benzo(k)fluoranthene and benzo(a)pyrene in COFs were positively correlated with cross-workshift urinary 8-OHdG levels. The effects of COFs on HRV were independent of cross-workshift urinary 8-OHdG levels. Cooks with high pre-workshift urinary 8-OHdG levels had insignificantly stronger autonomic cardiac responses to PM than those with low urinary 8-OHdG levels. Exposure to COFs leads to disturbed autonomic function and increased risk of oxidative DNA injury among cooks in Chinese restaurants. An engineering control study was conducted in 6 Chinese restaurants in which cooks complained of exposure to COFs. Embracing air curtain devices (EACDs) were installed in these kitchens before and after measurements were taken to compare changes in PM, PAHs in kitchen air; and levels of 8-OHdG, and MDA in urine. The association of PM and PAHs in air with 8-OHdG and MDA in urine were evaluated by linear mixed-effects regression analysis. The analytical results for the 6 restaurants show that geometric mean pre-intervention kitchen air levels of PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0, and total particulate PAHs were131.4 μg/m3, 90.6 μg/m3, 65.7 μg/m3, and 24.2 ng/m3, respectively. After EACDs were installed, geometric mean kitchen air levels of PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0, and particulate PAHs were 44.9 μg/m3, 37.0 μg/m3, 29.1 μg/m3, and 5.9 ng/m3, respectively. The urinary 8-OHdG and MDA levels of cooks after EACDs were installed were significantly lower than those before installation. The urinary 8-OHdG and MDA levels of cooks were positively associated with benzo(k)fluoranthene and benzo(a)pyrene levels after adjusting for key personal covariates. This study demonstrates that EACDs are an effective and economically feasible measure of reducing levels of COFs and oxidative stress of cooks in Chinese kitchens.


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