  • 學位論文


The writer from Northeast China to Taiwan:A case study of Sun-Ling And His Works

指導教授 : 柯慶明


本論文針對遷臺作家──孫陵,其文學經歷及作品,作為研究對象,而以「東北」作為切入觀點,並非任意以區域作為作家群體的分類,而是「九一八事件」讓「東北」成為中國民族意義的精神象徵,「東北人」承受著「淪亡」與「流亡」,也造成最早一批的流亡作家,形成「上海東北作家群」,與後來遷臺的東北作家,唯一的重疊者為孫陵,孫陵歷經滿州國文壇、上海文壇、戰時文化建設工作,而後在遷臺初期,以〈保衛大台灣〉歌,作為「反共第一聲」,以《民族》副刊,提倡「戰鬥文藝」聞名,其作《大風雪》卻在1956年遭查禁,而後淡出文壇。 細究其作品,報刊文論鮮明的「反共」、「戰鬥」姿態,在短篇小說創作中,與其說以反共為主題,不如說以「社會關懷」、「戰後心靈」為主要內容,其四部長篇《邊聲》、《大風雪》、《莽原》、《覺醒的人》,也從國族歷史論述建構,轉為敘述解構與個體思辯,而零散在單篇文論與小說的哲學話語,在最後一部長篇小說──《覺醒的人》才得以統整,其報刊文論、短篇小說到長篇小說的書寫對象,仍是對社會大眾,直到孫陵自費出版的舊體詩集──《孫陵詩集》,才得以閱讀作家內裡的心曲,看見一個反共作家,「至情至柔」的另一面。 以孫陵作為案例,本論文欲以其生平作品,看見「外省 / 遷臺 / 反共」作家的「前世餘生」,探究不經文獎會的反共作品,轉而政權內部省思的雙面性,以「東北」作為民族精神的象徵,而後轉成心靈原鄉的寄託的書寫樣貌。


This thesis focuses on the literature experience and works of the writer from the Northeast China to Taiwan, Sun-Ling. The reason why this thesis chooses Northeast region as the analytical backbone , not the other regions, is the result of Mukden Incident. Northeast region symbolizes the Chinese nation, and local people suffered from exile became the early writers here in Taiwan after Mukden Incident.The only one of them to Taiwan is Sun-Ling.Sun-Ling experienced all kinds of Literature field, including Manchukuo, Shanghai, Wartime, and Taiwan. After moving to Taiwan Sun-Ling made‘To Defend Big Taiwan’as ‘the first voice of anticommunist’, and was famous by promoting “Fighting Literature” as the editor of newspaper ”Nation” in the early days. Sun-Ling’s novel, ”snowstorm” was banned in the year of 1956, then he left behind. After analyzing Sun-Ling`s article, he showed anticommunist in the newspaper and media, however, he covered social care and post war caring in the short story.Four novels “ Sound from the frontier”, ”Snowstorm ”, “Savanna”, and ”The awakening” construct the history under the nation`s view point in his early writing period and transformed to deconstruct in the later period. The latest masterpiece ,“The awakening” , comprise all his thoughts, and the others were made to be appealed to the public. The only poems collection,”Sun-Ling Poetry”, truly reflect his innermost. This thesis take Sun-Ling as a paradigm, who wrote spontaneously without any literary award sponsor and propose self-review for KMT, which the “Northeast” became the spiritual sustenance for mainland migrated writers.


