  • 學位論文


The Rise of Pink Economy-Retrospect and Prospect of LGBTQ Market

指導教授 : 謝吉隆
共同指導教授 : 劉力仁(Lih-Ren Liu)


2017年5月司法院公布《司法院釋字第748號解釋》,該釋憲案宣告《民法》未保障同性婚姻違憲,必須在兩年內完成法律修正或制定,以保障人民權利。反同志團體下一代幸福聯盟隨即發起公投連署,要求須制定專法,將同性婚姻與異性婚姻區隔。當時下一代幸福聯盟在公投意見發表會中提出許多反對理由,其中有一項反對理由是「與其談人權,不如拚經濟」。 雖然筆者並不同意將人權議題與經濟議題做比較,但的確有許多人相當關注經濟議題,因此本多媒體深度報導論文想從粉紅經濟產業─即同志產業的角度切入,透過訪問粉紅產業經營者,包含男同志三溫暖、同志酒吧、同志雜誌、同志派對、同志婚紗攝影、同志旅遊、服飾等七種粉紅經濟產業,以這些經營者的故事為引,勾勒出過去同志群體成長的社會氛圍、這些人又是在何種情況下決定開業、經營過程中面臨何種困難,並從這些訪問中,找出粉紅經濟產業未來在臺灣發展的潛在困難與可能性。 筆者認為社會運動的過程中需要相當多的資源,其中之一便是穩定的經濟基礎,但在過去的研究中,鮮少提到同志商業團體與同志運動的關係,因此本報導也會融入同志社會運動者的經驗,從中進一步探討粉紅經濟產業與同志運動的關係,釐清同志產業對除了經濟層面外,還對同志社會運動造成什麼影響。 多媒體部分,本報導將以多媒體網頁做為載體,除了以平面攝影增加文章的豐富性、並製作圖表便於讀者理解外,本報導內容同時包含跨越時間與場域的部分,將3D場景以短影片形式呈現,在提升沉浸性之餘與也能兼顧載體便利性,期望能以此提升讀者的閱讀興趣。


In May 2017, the Judicial Yuan promulgated the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748, which declared that the Civil Law violates Article 22 of the Constitution. The amendment or enactment of the law must be completed within two years. The anti-LGBTQ group Happiness Alliance submitted to a referendum to define marriage as a man-woman marriage. Same-sex marriage was asked to be enacted as a special law. While Happiness Alliance put forward many objections to same-sex marriage, one of them was "Increasing economic growth is more important than considering human rights." The author doesn't agree to compare human rights issues with economic issues, but there are still many people quite concerning about economic issues. Therefore, this multimedia reporting intends to cut in from the perspective of the pink economy industry, also known as the LGBTQ industry. Through interviews with these operators, including seven pink economic industries, with the stories of these operators, the author wants to outline the social atmosphere of the past. Why did these operators decide to run a business while the society was so unfriendly? What difficulties did they face? Does there have any potential difficulties if Taiwan wants to develop pink industry? The author believes that the process of social movements requires considerable resources, especially a stable fund. However, the relationship between the pink industry and LGBTQ movements has rarely been mentioned in the past research. So this report will talk about the experience of gay social movements. The author will also discuss the relationship between the pink industry and the LGBTQ movement. Clarify what impact the pink industry has on the LGBTQ social movement in addition to the economic level. In the multimedia part, this report will use web pages as the carrier. In addition to using photography to increase the richness of the article and making diagrams for readers to understand, the content of this report includes a part that spans time and field. The form presentation, in addition to enhancing immersion, can also consider the convenience of the carrier, hoping to enhance readers' interest in reading.


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