  • 學位論文


The Legal Status of Taiwan Stock Exchange: The Review on Legal Relationship between Stock Exchange and Market Participant from Administrative Law Perspective

指導教授 : 林明鏘


本論文的研究目標係探討臺灣證券交易市場組織之法律地位,以及其與發行公司及證券商之法律關係,希望在我國證券交易法追求公益保障之前提下,兼顧臺灣證券交易市場參與者之私人權益,以達到公益與私益之平衡,並避免公法遁入私法之情形發生。而本論文的研究方法大致包含證券交易所制度分析整理、司法實務見解分析整理、比較法分析研究、國內文獻分析研究,以及歸納、演繹及利益衡量等不同方式。   為探求前揭目的,本論文第貳章著重於耙梳臺灣證券交易所之實然面貌,亦即整理臺灣證券交易所之籌設背景、組織與營運現況、任務範圍、管制手段等內容,且藉由臺灣證券交易所實際功能與意義的整理,本論文認為現行制度下,究應以私法契約關係或公權力上下隸屬關係理解臺灣證券交易所之法律地位,並不明確。   是因臺灣證券交易所之法律地位並非明確,本論文第參章即從國內相關實務見解與學說討論出發,並擴及臺灣證券交易法繼受之美國法制度,希望能對臺灣證券交易所之設計理念與爭議所在有全面性瞭解。又在此基礎上,本論文復重新檢討臺灣證券交易所以私部門組織形式承擔管制任務之意義,並認為證券交易所應係屬國家管制證券交易市場之重要單元,且組織定性上,臺灣證交所與櫃買中心均以定性為私法組織,較為適宜。   再者,因臺灣證券交易所具有以私部門組織形式承擔國家管制任務之特徵,故本論文更進一步討論,臺灣證券交易所與受管制之發行公司或證券商之法律關係為何,以及臺灣證券交易所之管制行為是否應受公法規範拘束等問題。而本論文結論上認為,基於臺灣證券交易所係在履行國家給付行政與秩序行政等任務之理解,應得以行政契約之角度重行建構臺灣證券交易所與發行公司或證券商之法律關係。又在行政契約之觀點下,臺灣證券交易所與發行公司或證券商之法律關係中,亦應一併注意修正式雙階理論、行政處分與行政契約行為形式併用禁止原則、一行為不二罰、行政契約締結後法令變更,以及行政契約紛爭解決途徑等議題。   最後,本論文第伍章除總結、歸納前揭結論外,本論文亦對現行證券交易法提出若干修法建議,包括刪除會員制證券交易所之制度模式、刪除或修正公司制證券交易所十年存續期間之規定、明文確認證券交易法之受託行使公權力地位、針對證券商之使用市場契約及發行公司之上市(櫃)契約於證券交易法中增訂行政契約之相關規範,以及刪除證券商與證券交易所間之強制仲裁規定。


This thesis focuses on the legal status of Taiwan Stock Exchange, and reviews the legal relationship between Taiwan Stock Exchange and market participant from administration law perspective. The main purposes of this thesis is seeking for the protection of market participant with the balance of public interests, and discussing on the issue that whether Taiwan Stock Exchange’s action should be deemed as the state action, and follow the general principle of public law. In Chapter II, this thesis reviews the current regulatory system of Taiwan Stock Exchange including the background, current organization, mission scope, and regulatory instruments. In an interim summary, this thesis finds out that the legal status of Taiwan Stock Exchange itself and its regulatory action are both indistinct. In chapter III, this thesis reviews the judicial cases, academic discussions in Taiwan, and introduces the legal status of national stock exchange, such as New York Stock Exchange, under U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 in order to have a comprehensive understanding on the idea of Taiwan Stock Exchange. This thesis also finds out that Taiwan Stock Exchange is a private sector that implements some critical regulatory functions and should be deemed as a regulatory body in Taiwan government’s regulatory structure. In Chapter IV, this thesis focuses on the legal relationship between Taiwan Stock Exchange and market participant, such as issuers and securities firms. In addition, this thesis also discusses whether Taiwan Stock Exchange should comply with public laws when it implements regulatory functions and plays the role as regulatory state. In light of Taiwan Stock Exchange has two main purposes: one is to establish and deliver a stock market to the people, and the other one is to regulate the order of stock market. This thesis believes that those two main purposes derive from state. Furthermore, this thesis also believes that administrative contract is the best way to interpret the legal relationship between Taiwan Stock Exchange and market participant, and it is important to recognize the issue with administrative contract perspective on revised two-tiered theory, the prohibition of administrative act in administrative contract relationship, the prohibition of double jeopardy, effectiveness and application of new laws and regulations in administrative contract, and dispute resolutions. In Chapter V, besides concludes foregoing discussions, this thesis also brings some suggestions on the amendments of Securities and Exchange Act of Taiwan, such as abolish the provisions of membership stock exchange, abrogate or revise ten years limitation of company-type stock exchange, confirm Taiwan Stock Exchange has a regulatory role, legislate the administrative contract of market participant, and abolish the mandated arbitration between Taiwan Stock Exchange and securities firms.


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