  • 學位論文


Orientalism Reconsidered: The Russian Empire and the Case of Chechnya

指導教授 : 柏逸嘉


本論文深究如何將愛德華•薩伊德 (Edward Said) 深具影響力卻又充滿爭議的東方主義理論 (Orientalism) 置於俄羅斯 (Russia) 的脈絡中。本文背景特別選擇動盪不安的車臣地區 (Chechnya),以作為俄羅斯東方政策的案例。本文先概述俄羅斯在北高加索區的殖民歷史,接著聚焦在文學和電影中車臣的再現 (representations) 議題。本文也分別探討俄羅斯和車臣文化作品中不同的觀點,試圖呈現未曾被揭露和碰觸的地方史、不為人知的殖民史故事,以及對後蘇聯和後殖民的批判等寶貴史料。第一章強調如何將薩依德的東方主義理論和西方/東方框架 (the Occident/Orient frame) 應用在俄羅斯的情況。俄羅斯東方學研究的問題,以及俄羅斯位於東方/西方的交界位置似乎為重新思考薩伊德理論的關鍵點。第二章探討俄羅斯的政治管理歷史和其對車臣論述的控制意圖。在本章中,我分析了俄羅斯對車臣共和國的殖民與種族化之過程,以及對車臣人的形象塑造,這些形象包括對高加索區域的傳統描繪,以及俄羅斯詩人作家和電影導演作品中的當代車臣印象。第三章探討車臣人看、說、「寫回去」的有限能力,面對俄羅斯聯邦的帝國霸權政策,他們難以作出視覺、口頭或書面回應。本文以俄羅斯在車臣失敗的殖民主義、車臣對俄羅斯發動的恐怖攻擊和自殺炸彈襲擊為背景,並透過分析車臣文學和電影作品,探討在俄羅斯的統治之下,車臣所處的從屬地位 (subaltern position) 。在第四章中,我提供了本論文的結論。我認為俄羅斯的多層次殖民模式可以幫助我們討論當代的現實狀況,並且能解釋為何車臣從屬者 (Chechen subaltern) 目前仍幾乎沒有機會發聲或被傾聽。


This thesis investigates the problem of situating Edward Said’s influential yet controversial theory of Orientalism in the context of Russia with a special focus on the insurgent region of Chechnya as a particular case of Russia’s Orient. It provides an overview of the history of Russian colonialism in the North Caucasus in order to focus on representations of Chechnya in literature and cinema. Alternative views of cultural production in Russian and Chechen texts are investigated in an attempt to create space for unrevealed and untouched local histories, hidden stories about colonial pasts, and valuable sources to emerge and provide a post-soviet and post-colonial critique. Chapter One underlines the issues concerning the application of Said’s theory of Orientalism and the Occident/Orient frame to the Russian case. The problems of Oriental Studies in Russia as well as Russia’s location in the Orient/Occident divided world appear as the key points to reconsider Said’s theory. Chapter Two investigates the history of Russia’s political administration and its attempted discursive control over Chechnya. In this chapter, I analyze the process of Russia’s colonization of the Chechen republic, the racialization of the Chechens, and images of Chechnya ranging from the classic portrayal of the Caucasus to contemporary representations of Chechnya by Russian poets, writers, and film directors. Chapter Three addresses the problem of the Chechen ability to see, speak, “write back,” and produce a visual, oral or written response to the hegemonic imperial policy of the Russian Federation. Chechnya’s subaltern position during the history of Russia’s subjugation is investigated against the background of the failure of Russian colonialism in Chechnya, Chechen terror attacks on Russia, the practice of suicide bombing, and through readings of selected Chechen literary texts and films. In Chapter Four, I provide a conclusion to this thesis. I suggest that Russia’s multilayered colonization patterns could help us to address contemporary realities and to explain why the Chechen subaltern has yet had little opportunity to speak or be heard.


Works Cited
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Burbank, Jane, and Frederick Cooper. Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010. Print.
Burds, Jeffrey. “The Soviet War Against ‘Fifth Columnists’: The Case of Chechnya, 1942-4.” Journal of Contemporary History 42.2 (2007): 267-314. Print.
