  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 趙永茂


展望21世紀伊始,在全球化的浪潮衝擊下,建構資訊時代、全球經濟與網絡社會的新時代之空間特徵,臺灣(臺北)在產業經濟、社會、勞動層面,正經歷結構內的巨大歷史性轉化,面臨快速變化之衝擊與異常激烈的國際挑戰。2000年首次「政黨輪替」,年平均失業率迅速攀升至2.99%,2002年更劇升至5.17%。其中,「結構性失業」占失業者47.4%,屢創新高。但企業仍然缺工,外籍勞工繼續引進,替代本國勞動者就業機會,形成極為嚴峻的社會安全問題。就業市場在面對「結構性斷裂」之因應對策:善用科技、掌握資訊、創新突破、強化勞動者競爭優勢,成為政府與企業的重大課題,就業安全體制重構成為必要手段,亦呼應組織變革風潮。其思索基礎應在於重新定位政府與社會的關係、政府的角色及政府的職能與分工。跳脫勞動者個人的「職業發展」(vocational development)限制,選擇職業只強調個人與工作之關係,即工作能力與工作條件的配合。而邁入「生涯發展」(career development)之積極性協助,引導出個人的工作價值、職業的選擇、事業生涯型態、角色整合、自我和事業生涯認同,兼具管理性與專業性的完整就業安全圖像。 臺北市位居臺灣政治、經濟、社會、教育中心,擁有亞太地區的地理樞紐優勢,對內帶動風潮;對外代表臺灣參與國際競爭,具有特殊地位與功能的指標作用。考量「人口潛力(population potential)」移動所造成之擴張效應,深入分析臺灣(臺北)影響就業安全之環境因素,探討其結構面、服務面與失業者及產業需求斷裂原因。在就業安全體制及服務變革,本研究論文嘗試以總體勞動思維提出重構方案:(1)建構地方治理、工作權保障之組織定位,秉持市場價值、反商品化、受益者付費為服務策略目標;(2)在組織體制方面,就業服務與職業訓練機構分立、勞工教育機構裁併、職能發展機構行政法人化、統合私立就業服務機構與勞動組織職權重整並行;(3)建立新服務軸線:積極性勞動政策規劃生涯發展模式,構築產訓學供需鏈,重塑公共職業訓練機構與公立就業服務機構之服務模式及內涵。期能在高失業率、高結構性失業的就業市場,提升勞動者就業能力與就業機會,再增城市競爭力。


To envision the 21st century from the beginning, under the impact of globalization, Taiwan (Taipei) is experiencing the huge historical structural transformation in the aspects of the industrial economy, the society, and the work. In other words, it is facing rapid changing buffets and extremely intense international challenges with the new era space features of the construction information time, the global economy, and the social network. In 2000, the rate of annual mean unemployment climbs rapidly to 2.99% while the first time of the political party rotation and even rises dramatically to 5.17% in 2002. Among them, “the structural unemployment’ accounts for 47.4%, which is always increasing. However, the enterprises still lack for labors. The continuous introducing foreign laborers who take job opportunities of the domestic workers causes the serious social security problems. Countermeasures of the employment market when facing ‘the constitutive break’, which are making use of technology, mastering information, breaking through innovations, and strengthening competitive advantages of laborers, becomes a big issue between the government and the enterprises. The re-construction of the employment security system is necessary which also respond to the trend of organization reformation. The thinking points would lie in re-fixing the relationship between the government and the society, and the role, the function, and the division of labor of the government. Regardless of the labor’s personal limitation of vocational development, choosing vocations based only on the relations between individuals and jobs; namely the co-ordination between working abilities and working conditions. That is to say, stepping into active assistance of career development that tries to elicit the work value, the job choices, the career types, the role integrations, the identification of ego and career from people form a sound image of obtaining employment managerially and professionally. Taipei is the political, economical, social, and educational center of Taiwan and is situated in the key position of Asian-Pacific area. For internal, it has leverage; for external, it represents Taiwan participating international competitions, as an indicator of special status and functions. Analyzing what are the environmental factors of Taiwan (Taipei) that affect the employment security thoroughly by considering the expansion effect causing by the move of population potential in order to discuss the structure surface, the service surface, and the breaking reason between the employed and the industrial demand. To take employment security system and service reformation into account, this thesis attempts to address a re-construction plan based on the collectivity labor thought: (1) setting up the organization orientation of home rule and job rights guarantee while entertaining the market value, anti-commercialization, and pay by beneficiary as service strategy targets; (2) in the aspect of organization system, the institutions of the employment service and the vocational training should be separated; the institutions of labor training should be cut down and be merged, the competence development organizations should be administrative corporationalization; the integration of private employment service institutions and the shakedown of labor organization incumbency should be executed at the same time. (3) establishing new service accesses: the positive labor policies mapping out the career development mode; setting up the demand and supply chain of producing, training, and learning; remolding the service patterns and connotation of the public vocational training institutions and the public employment service institutions. In anticipation that these could enhance laborers’ working abilities and increase more job opportunities in this high-rate-of and high-structural unemployment market.


名揚翻譯有限公司譯,1992。「職業訓練經濟學」,臺北:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局,譯自Metcalf, David H :The economics of vocational training.


