  • 學位論文


The Employment Security of Visually Impaired :The Grand Justices No.649 Interpretation

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


基於社會國原則,我國除憲法第二章規定人民權利外,也於第十三章基本國策及增修條文規定相關人民權利之保護,人民權利衝突時應如何解決,為違憲審查之重點。我國視障者基於弱勢保護精神,規定視障按摩保護之優惠性差別待遇。惟全面禁止非視障者從事按摩相關行業,大法官認為違反工作權、平等權及比例原則。故釋憲後立法修法回應,於身心障礙者保護法第46條第5項規定,保留五大地點維持視障按摩業保留之規定,即已將全面視障按摩業保留,調整為五大地點按摩業保留,且增加相關促進視障就業規定。即將職業選擇客觀範圍限制,調整為職業執行方法之限制,對人民之侵害較符合比例原則之規定(符合最小侵害原則),創造視障及非視障者雙贏之局面。所以大法官雖然關閉全面視障按摩之職業保障,但投入更多行政資源,以開起一扇視障者多元就業大門,應是值得肯定的。 對於工作權兼具社會權性質時稱勞動權部分,依憲法增修條文第10條第7款要求國家應保障身心障礙者「教育訓練與就業輔導」,「並扶助其自立與發展」,故由國家提供視障者按摩職業養成訓練,具有一定程度之規範上必要性。惟目前視障業專業能力之養成,除啟明學校外,主要透過委辦的方式,利用民間的力量來提供。這種方式固然未必會被認為不足以達成憲法增修條文第10條第7款之要求,但由國家設立按摩職業養成之專門教育機構,來對於視障者之按摩職業養成教育作較全面規劃與處理,應是可行政策方向。對於視障按摩業及民俗調理採鬆綁管制態度,尚符合社會自我規制之管理方式。 如何促進就業及與國際人權接軌問題,對民國101年7月11日起實施的身心障礙者保護法ICF制加以研究,建議爾後對於專業介面部分應加強對話,以促進身障者權益之保障。


Based on the principle of sozialstaat, not only Rights and Duties of the People prescribed in Chapter 2 of the Constitution of ROC, but also Fundamental National Policies in Chapter 13 and key points of constitutional review including Protection of the Relevant Rights and Duties of the People as well as how to resolve the people’s rights conflict in Additional Articles. Our country stipulated preferential discrimination treatment for persons with visual impairment engaged in visually-impaired massage in accordance with the spirit of vulnerable individual protection. However, persons with non-visual impairment who are completely prohibited from engaging in visually-impaired massage are regarded as violation of right to work, right of equality and principle of proportionality by grand justices. Therefore, the law amendments responded through legislation after constitution-interpretation that five major locations are kept for visually-impaired massage according to provisions prescribed in Subparagraph 5 of Article 46, Physically and Mentally Disabled Persons Protection Act, meaning reservation of overall visually-impaired massage industry is adjusted as reservation of overall massage industry in five major locations with additional articles regarding employment promotion for persons with visual impairment. It means objective limit for occupational choice that is adjusted to limit for occupational performance will much more comply with principle of proportionality (comply with the Minimization Requirement), and create win-win for persons with visual impairment and persons with non-visual impairment. Consequently, grand justice even terminate overall occupational protection for persons with visual impairment, but open a gate of multi-employment for them with more administrative resources, which is worth of affirmation. Labor rights referred as in combination with both rights to work and social rights, the State shall protect physically and mentally disabled persons by providing “educational training and vocational guidance” and “assisting them to attain independence and development” according to provisions prescribed in Subparagraph 7 of Article 10 of Additional Article of the Constitution. Therefore, such apprenticeship training for persons with visual impairment engaged in visually-impaired massage is a certain degree of necessity on the specification. Nevertheless, the training for professional competence of persons with visual impairment is mainly provided by outsourcing private institutions other than Special Education School for the Blind. This method may not be deemed to attain requirements provided by the preceding additional article, but state-owned professional educational institutes for apprenticeship training of massage occupation is considered to be a direction of feasible policy for overall plan and treatment relating to apprenticeship training for persons with visual impairment engaged in visually-impaired massage. Flexible control adopted for visually-impaired massage industry and folk therapy is just in compliance with management method of self-regulation in the society. The study on the issue how to promote employment and that in line with international human rights and the implementation of ICF system for Physically and Mentally Disabled Persons Protection Act as of July 11, 2012. It's proposed that professional interface for further identification and evaluation of disabled person status shall be strengthened dialogue to promote protection of disabled person.


黃越欽,2000,《憲法中工作權之意義暨其演進》,法令月刊,51 卷10期,頁34-55。


