  • 學位論文


The Research of the World Bank and United Nations Facing Poverty Issues: The Assistance to China

指導教授 : 張亞中


本論文是研究冷戰後國際組織如何面對貧窮問題。貧窮問題是1990年代以後在國際議題上備受矚目。世界銀行與聯合國是主導貧窮問題潮流之主要國際組織,故將上述兩個國際組織選為本研究對象。本研究目的係;釐清何謂「貧窮」,以及了解貧窮概念、貧窮測量方法以及發展理論如何演變,以比較各年代的兩個國際組織的降低貧窮策略以及評估。由於國際組織的策略受到國際情勢之影響而演變,故本論文描述歷史脈絡而分析降低貧窮策略。 本論文分為六部份;第一章為研究方法以及貧窮問題相關的文獻回顧。在第二章,比較冷戰時期的策略,以表示世界銀行在國際發展上擁有很大的影響力,且貧窮概念大半從經濟面論述。在第三章,比較1990年代的策略,第三章表示不僅世界銀行、聯合國也成為貧窮議題的主導組織,以提出人類發展、即包含非經濟面之全方位貧窮概念。而世界銀行調整1980年代之策略,兩組織的降低貧窮策略於1990年代末越來越接近。在第四章,比較2000年以後的策略。第四章表示,為至2015年前實現以降低貧窮為最優先目標之千禧年發展目標,兩組織合作。世界銀行的降低貧窮策略書成為實現千禧年發展目標的具體手段。聯合國表示因各國貧窮狀況與因素等都不同,需要作出各國的千禧年發展目標進展狀況而評估。因此在第五章的個案分析部分,分析中國大陸的千禧年發展目標進展狀況。中國大陸以及聯合國都認為快速經濟增長是中國大陸成功大幅降低貧窮人口,但表示一些目標還需要加強,如性別不平等、愛滋病、飲用水以及環境管理。 第六章為結論。


This thesis is to research how International Organizations face poverty issues during post-cold war era. Poverty Issues has been closed up in the international agenda since 1990s. World Bank and United Nations are the main actors leading the tendency of poverty reduction, so the thesis chooses the two above as the research target. The aim of the research is to clear what poverty is, and to show how the concept and measurement of poverty, and poverty reduction strategies has been changed, with the comparison of the poverty reduction strategies they took every decade. The structure of the thesis has six parts. Firstly explain the research methods and review the articles concerning Poverty Issues in chapter 1. In chapter 2, compare the strategies between the two during cold war, in order to show World Bank had the strong influence on international development and poverty concept was mostly explained by economic aspect. In chapter 3, compare the strategies during 1990s. It shows that not only World Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) also became the leading actors with Human Development, a new concept protesting comprehensive definition of poverty. World Bank adjusted the strategy in 1980s and the strategies the two organizations took were getting similar in the end of 1990s. In chapter 4, compare the strategies after 2000. It shows World Bank and United Nations cooperate to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) till 2015, targeting on Poverty Reduction. World Bank’s Poverty Reduction Strategic Paper (PRSP) becomes the abstract strategy to realize the MDGs.United Nations predicted over 50 countries is difficult to reach the MDGs, and made the progress report of MDGs in every country, so analyze China’s situation concerning MDGs in Chapter 5, as the case study. Both organizations evaluated China succeeded to reduce poverty owe to rapid economic growth, the progress of MDGs in China is very well in general, but there are some goals China possibly may not reach, such as HIV/AIDS, gender inequality, drinking water and environment. Chapter 6 is conclusion.


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