  • 學位論文


Research on Software Companies’ Transformation from OEM/ODM to OBM: A Case Study of CyberLink Corp.

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


全球資訊化蓬勃發展,使全球及台灣軟體市場日趨成熟,在「2010年台灣國際品牌價值調查」中,名列前二十大國際品牌便有兩家為軟體公司,分別為趨勢科技與訊連科技,可見軟體產業的重要性與成長性愈來愈受矚目,也證實了軟體產業將會是下一世紀帶動成長的重要產業。 對軟體公司而言,擁有關鍵競爭優勢以及行銷通路策略是建立品牌不可或缺的兩大要點。本研究以訊連科技為例,深入分析該公司的核心競爭力、關鍵成功因素、競爭策略及其行銷與通路策略等。本研究發現,技術領先是個案公司成功的主要因素。另外在打造品牌的過程當中,即使行銷資源有限,一樣可透過原有的軟體搭售方式,搭配行銷策略,以及網際網路的優勢,透過電子通路與專業評論網站的口碑行銷,逐漸打開品牌知名度,擴大市場影響力。 本研究將深入探討訊連科技如何從代工設計轉型為自有品牌,並與文中所提出的理論和觀念對照,從而獲得一些重要的發現,作為其他後續研究以及軟體公司以技術為核心建立品牌,並進而制訂有效之通路和行銷策略的參考。


As we forecast a stabilizing global economy, consistent growth in the IT sector points to significant momentum in the software industry. The “InterBrand Top Taiwan Global Brands 2010” report lists Trend Micro and CyberLink Corp. as two leading Taiwan-based software companies that have achieved international brand recognition and delivered impressive worldwide growth. This report spotlights the increasing importance of the global software industry and how the global IT industry will lead economic recovery into the next decade. Leveraging key competitive advantages and implementing effective marketing strategies are two critical success factors in building a brand. This research into CyberLink Corp. core competencies, key success factors, competitive advantages, and marketing and channel strategies exemplifies current brand-building strategies in this new age of digital platforms and social media responsible for generating brand loyalty and brand valuation. Leading technology has been identified as the major catalyst of CyberLink’s global success, where strength in OEM bundling and internet marketing have been leveraged to build brand recognition with limited resources. By investigating how CyberLink has successfully transformed its business model from original equipment and design manufacturer to original brand manufacturer, this case study outlines significant findings related to attested best practices in brand building for technology-based software firms versus those branding and marketing theories applied by firms in related sectors. It is expected this research will be a good reference for Taiwanese technology-based software companies exploring a global branding strategy.


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何坤謙(2016)。資訊科技顧問業於雲端應用趨勢下之品牌建立策略研究 —以B公司為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201700035
