  • 學位論文


A Generic System Dynamics Model of the Dynamic Trap of Original Brand Manufacturer

指導教授 : 陳加屏


台灣企業為了突破代工微利困境,朝向自創品牌轉型無疑是產官學界共識最高的一項對策。然而即便政府提供協助與資源,轉型失利者仍占多數。為何如此?本研究採取系統動力學的取徑,從過去相關個案研究中萃取資料建構一般化的模式,模擬不同部門數(三個部門及四個部門)、與不同人力配置政策(人力寬鬆政策、人力緊繃政策及人力投資政策),對於轉型績效的影響。 本研究經模擬後發現,(1)當某一部門因產能不足所產生的副作用,其影響不單只限於該部門,而會蔓延至整個系統,為化解因此副作用而生的額外工作會造成其他部門的產能不足,甚至回頭令該部門的產能不足更惡化,形成產能不足的連鎖反應。其管理意涵是,轉型時,沒有一個部門的產能可以被忽略;(2)在轉型中產能必須先行預備並且要充足,否則很容易陷入產能不足的連鎖反應,其管理意涵是,當企業察覺有需求才雇人時,通常已嫌晚;(3)從客戶訂單起始,越接近客戶的部門當作下游部門,越遠離的當作上游部門。當工作突然暴增的衝擊波襲來時,某部門會對其上游部門產生緩衝工作負荷的作用,但對於其下游部門產生惡化工作負荷的作用,如果該部門產能頂不住負荷,就會再向上游傳遞。其管理意涵是,當位處於最上游的採購部門出現問題時,往往並非採購部門自身的問題,而是系統病入膏肓的警訊。


Taiwanese enterprises, in order to break through the profit difficulties of original equipment manufacturer (OEM), industry, government and academia have reached a consensus that OEM transforms to original brand manufacturer (OBM). However, why there are still lots of failed cases of OEMs, even though government provided assistance and resources? This paper extracted some related studies to construct a generic model by system dynamics then simulated different departments (three and four departments) and human configuration policies (slack human resource policy, tight human resource policy, and investment human resource policy) to understand the effect of transitional performance. The results of the study were that (1) the side effect of the department which has insufficient capacity will influence not only itself but also whole system. To solve the extra work by side effect would diminish other departments’ capacity, and back to aggravate this department’s workload. According to the above mention, managerial implication is when OEM transforms to OBM, there isn’t any department’s capacity can be ignored. (2) OEM transforms to OBM need to prepare enough capacity in advance, or sink into chain reaction of inadequate capacity easily. Base on this, the managerial implication is that enterprises are late to hire employee until have capacity demand. (3) Start from order, the department which is closer with customer would be down-stream, and farther would be the up-stream. When workload increases abruptly, the department will cushion this attack to down-stream but exacerbate this problem to up-stream. If this department can’t afford this rise, it will pass it up. About the managerial implication, when procurement department which the farthest up-stream has some problem, it’s not only for itself. There is the warning of this precarious system.


Doyle P. (1990). Building Successful Brands: The Strategic Options. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 7(2), 5-20.
