  • 學位論文


A Framework for Programming Resilient IoT Application - Practiced on Raspberry Pi

指導教授 : 郭斯彥


物聯網是近年來很熱門的一個領域,隨著硬體的成本降低、效能的提升、以及體積的縮小,越來越多的智慧裝置不斷被開發出來,在這樣的基礎上,許多的物聯網應用也一一出現 (例如:智慧家庭、智慧城市)。物聯網的應用服務必然是建構於一個分散式且包含許多異質裝置的環境下,其中服務的組成是透過機器與機器的資訊交流技術來達成,在這樣的情境下,一個開發者想開發物聯網應用時,有許多先天上的問題必須先去克服才有辦法進行開發,然而,關於物聯網的研究卻很少提供給開發者一個便於開發、有彈性且具容錯能力的環境。 由於硬體設備能力的提昇,現在許多的物聯網裝置都可以使用高階程式語言來開發應用,某些硬體更具有高度的擴展性,可以額外搭載許多不同的硬體模組,經由這些特性,我們可以在這些裝置上設計一些容錯機制如:硬體冗餘、軟硬體多樣性、例外處理等等。 本論文提出一個具容錯能力的物聯網應用軟體開發框架,經由分析例外的內容進行相對應的容錯處理使應用服務服務不中斷,另外我們將異質感測器的資料統一格式,提供物聯網應用開發者一個便於開發、彈性且具高可用性的開發環境。


Raspberry Pi is a popular modern network embedded device which has been employed on IoT and CPS application. Resilience is one of the major factors on QoS for IoT and CPS applications. Raspberry Pi likes a small independent computer running on Linux operating systems so that it supports high-level programming language to let application developers can program it as needed and high expandability to allow its expansion with more number of peripherals. Therefore, application developers can construct fault-tolerant programming through software-defined control based on some software fault-tolerant technologies, such as redundancy and diversity, recovery block, and exception handling,. In our work, we propose a programming framework for application developers to construct application-level fault-tolerant programming efficiently on Raspberry Pi. The contribution of this framework is to let application developers to program robust software so that the resilience of IoT and CPS application executed on Raspberry Pi can be improved.


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