  • 學位論文


Remedies under the Dispute Settlement Framework of the World Trade Organization

指導教授 : 羅昌發


司法救濟措施本身及其執行上皆對於WTO下義務之拘束性有著顯著之影響。本篇論文旨在藉由審視相關之救濟經驗來針對WTO下救濟措施之本質與範疇作探討。雖然WTO這個組織本身顯然地與其前身GATT於許多方面皆不同,且建立起一個視對於規則與義務之遵從性為上之規範架構;然而,整個救濟體系之發展仍顯得無法適當地促進該遵從性。 從相關救濟經驗看來,GATT下普遍存在之特點之一「償還」到了WTO時代則愈發減少;WTO下之裁判機關對於救濟措施之確切要素則呈現許多不同的看法。若綜觀所有救濟經驗,則可明白:救濟措施之發展方向是朝著分配性正義之方式。WTO下之救濟措施除了在相較於GATT之救濟經驗為走回頭路之外,亦與國際公法下之救濟措施朝著全然相反之方向發展。 國際公法對於「賠償」要素愈發重視之時,其下救濟措施之發展亦摻入愈來愈多之「矯正性正義」要素。國際公法與WTO兩大體制之發展方向如此相異,顯示其需求亦不相同;但考慮到國際公法下之賠償方式所發揮之效能,也許應開始質疑WTO是否該仿效其救濟方式。像WTO這樣一個將其著重於透過法律規則來維護會員國之間相關權益與義務之機構,顯然地「矯正性正義」會是較能夠提高遵從性之方式。 但是若深度考量各國內部以及國際上針對WTO事務之政治現實面,在現階段要採取與國際公法賠償方式之相同措施,時機看來尚未成熟。WTO救濟措施可能對社會與經濟上產生之之強大衝擊顯示會員應在可預期性與彈性之間審慎地尋求恰到好處之平衡點。畢竟WTO這個機構是為了促進創造財富之效率而被建立的,而此等可能產生之負面衝擊絕非促進達成機構目標的因素之一。


Judicial remedies and the enforcement of such have significant impact on the obligatory character of WTO obligations. This dissertation seeks to examine the nature and scope of WTO remedies by examining the relevant remedial experience. Although the WTO clearly departed from its predecessor and established a normative framework under which conformity with prescribed rules and obligations is paramount, the development of the remedial regime appears undesirable in facilitating the attainment of that end. The relevant remedial experience indicates that the restitutional characteristics existing under the GATT is diminishing under the WTO. The adjudicative bodies have demonstrated a rather mixed view on the precise elements of remedies. The overall remedial experience indicates a development towards attaining distributive justice. Besides amounting to a set back from GATT remedial experience, it is also heading an opposite direction in comparison with the evolvement of public international law remedies. With increasing emphasis on reparation, public international law remedies reflect a development towards greater elements of corrective justice. While such a different course of development reflect diverging needs between the two regimes, the broader functions served by reparation under public international law calls into question whether WTO remedies should develop along the same track. For an organization whose policy objectives entail rule of law in the preservation of relative rights and obligations among its members, corrective justice appears more desirable in promoting conformity. Nevertheless, the political reality at both the national and international level pertaining to WTO matters suggests it is still immature for the WTO to move down that path. In any event, the greater social and economic impact that might be caused by a strengthened remedial regime calls for further consideration in striking an appropriate balance between predictability and flexibility. After all, the WTO was created to enhance the efficiency in wealth creation; the potential adverse effect of such an impact clearly does not serve that purpose.


DSU WTO remedies dispute settlement


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張愷致(2012)。世界貿易組織與區域貿易協定之競合與衝突研究 —以爭端解決機制為中心〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2012.00512
