  • 學位論文


A study on the integration of organization and administrative action laws about communication, telecommunication and information agencies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蕭全政




The term of “communications” in this thesis involve those means about communication, telecommunication and information. At the beginning, I discuss the problems of the communications in Taiwan In the thesis, and then analyze the nature of the communication, telecommunication and information and the reason for regulating, furthermore, finding out what cause these problems. In chapter 2, we explain these problems with current tendencies, such as democratization, globalization and digital technology convergence, and take the case of other countries for reference and make suggestions. The most important strategy to solve those problems is to establish an independent supervisory agency of communications. In order to regulate effectively, this research article make a suggestion that the government should integrate the existing administrative action laws of communications. Before integrating, we must review to see if they are fit with the tendencies of democratization, globalization and digital technology convergence. In chapter 3, this article analyzes the principles of organization integration from the perspective of government reinvention and implication of independent agency. And in chapter 4, we summarizes the result of pre-chapters, making a blueprint for organization with the principle of organizational design according to the name, vision, role, qualitative attribute and authority of communications organization, and pose the draft of NCC Organization Law through the approach of practical enactment. In Chapter 5, this article suggests that it is imperative to refer to English and American experiences to integrate laws on communications by paketgesetzgebung technology, and to take the laws of organizational and administrative action laws of communications into an integrated legislation. Finally, by means of packing legislation and the principle of quasi-codification enactment, this article take the cases of other countries and the three major tendencies for reference, to pose the integrate laws a legislation structure for future legislation work and temporary called it as Communications Act. In Chapter 5, the study concludes all finds from pre-chapters and make an advice to the government for the practical procedure to integrate the Organization and administration law on communications.


digital convergency NCC


江明修、劉梅君譯,1995,《面對權力的規劃》,台北市:五南。譯自:Forester, J., Planning in the Face of power.


